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Forum Name :Spartan919

RP Name :Elzreth Becker

RP Age : 30

Starting Class : Archer

Appearance : Six feet tall, a harsh body, scar running down right cheek. Dirty blonde hair, eyebrows angled down (as if angry)

Bio :Elzreth was a young man when he was recruited in the army. He is known for his compassion, and stubbornness.


Can we post a pic if we want to?

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Forum Name: Spartan919

RP Name: Elzreth Becker

RP Age: 30

Starting Class: Archer

Appearance: Six feet tall' date=' a harsh body, scar running down right cheek. Dirty blonde hair, eyebrows angled down (as if angry)

Bio: Elzreth was a young man when he was recruited in the army. He is known for his compassion, and stubbornness.


Can we post a pic if we want to?



Id prefer if you didn't post a picture. Sorry. Also, wanna buy anything so you can have items to use?

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