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xbox live


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Hello Everyone,

Here are my favorite Top 10 Xbox Live Games.


1. Halo

2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

3. Ninja Gaiden

4. Project Gotham Racing 2

5. NBA Street Vol. 2

6. Grand Theft Auto Double Pack

7. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

8. Crimson Skies: The High Road to Revenge

9. Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

10. Rainbow Six 3


which are yours??

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i didnt really like xbox live cause u have to pay alot lol i perfer PS3 lol


You gotta be kidding me Xbox Live is usually around $50 USD for a year worth of membership and that just mainly pays for the extra features, a wide variety of downloadable games and the maintenance crew that keeps Xbox Live in great running and stable condition. That is usually affordable on almost every level and is much faster and contains more features than PSN.

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