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They may be kinda OP'ed but The Heart of the Cards is supposed to be all powerful and supreme.


The Heart of the Cards

Ultimate Rare Spell Card

Draw one card from the top of your deck and remove it from play. If it

was a RITUAL Monster, reduce your opponent's LP to 50. If it was a

LIGHT non-RITUAL monster, deal 500 points of damage to your

opponent for every monster SPELL or TRAP card in their graveyard. If it

was a DARK non-RITUAL monster, destroy all monsters on your

opponent's field. If it was a WIND non-RITUAL monster, desroy all of

your opponent's SPELLS and TRAPS on the field. If it was a FIRE

non-RITUAL monster, have your opponent discard the top 20 cards

from their deck. If it was an EARTH non-RITUAL monster, change the

terrain to a field of your choice. If it was a WATER non-RITUAL

monster, Special Summon up to 3 monsters from your hand if there is

room on the field. If it was a SPELL, nothing happens. If it was a TRAP

you lose half of your life points.



Friend Jacker

Ultimate Rare Spell Card(Continuous)

Pay 1000 LP for every time you use this card. During your Draw Phase,

Draw one card from both your and your opponent's deck. You may play

them both on the same turn.

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