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Demonic Smasher


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When its on the field, its level is the always the same as when you summoned it. So it will always be the same as it was in your hand.


Say you had four cards besides this one in your hand and you summoned this.


It's level is now four as long as it is on the field.

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Original Effect, but the highest attack it would usually have is 2000 attack (6 cards total, with him in it), and a 2000 Attack monster for 1 tribute seems useless to me. Well lets say you even got it to be like, 8 cards in your hand, thats a 2 tribute monster with 3200. Now the attack would be average going on high as a 2 tribute monster, but I'd rather Tribtute monsters for a DMOC cause of DMOC effect. Besides, how would you draw enough cards to beef this guy up in one turn? (Cause more than 6 and you discard)




I see nothing wrong with the picture.



Overall Rating:



Some changes to consider:

Making it x500, and limit hand size from being too broken?


Well, that's my review. I know I'm not a pro at this or anything so my opinion isn't one you have to really take to consideration, just being honest and saying my opinion on the card.

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