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The One Thousand Year War [PG-16/BASIC/Started/Accapeting by PM]


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OOC: Listen at the begin make Saia like she doesn't know how to fight much......... And don't know she's the chosen one okay......... But she'll discover this while we're RPing okay...........

IC: Leonardo was in a solo area near a lake........ He was wearing the royal clothes of the High Council........... He was standing there his eyes closed with his sword next to him........ "War... A very interesting thing.......... Though its very dangerous...... But still interesting.........." he said...............

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3 prize hunters knew Leonardo's place accidentally and attacked him........... "Go away......... I don't want to hurt you......." Leonardo warned them......... But they kept attacking him...... So he attacked then with a gravity jolt.... 2 of 'em fall of the edge into the lake and where killed...... And the last one escaped............ "Jerks..." Leo said [i'm bored of writing Leonardo..... So Leo will do the job.......]

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A mysterious aurora flashed through the sky like a shooting star. No one knew what it was, but it was beautiful, with it's multi-colors.

This light seemed to be heading... For the ground! It looked as if it suddenly fell from the sky and was driving straight into earth, possibly through it. Needless to say, a few minutes later...

The explosion rang out for miles. The light hit the ground, leaving a huge crater in the ground....

When the smoke cleared, a lady appeared, dusting off her clothes...

"No no no, this isn't right..." She said, fretting to herself. "This earth has become barbaric... Hmm, what to do, what to do..."

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IC:"what the heck was that!" gefh says as walking out of his hide out

*the lens on his eye zoomes and he sees a crater in the ground*

"aliens.......or was that just a bomb"

*gefhx scans energy levels and see therye almost off the charts*

"well thats no good if whoever that is comes this way wanting a fight, well atleastit will be the first good fight ive had in a while!"

"hmm.....better send out the moniter drones"gefhx says tohimself as he calls to the drones


OOC:[spoiler=monitor drone appearance]DRONE_17_by_dasAdam.jpg


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The mysterious girl was just that- Mysterious. She didn't even seem to notice that she had just fell from the sky. Even more bizarre was what she was wearing- A buisness suit! A peach-colored jacket and a frilly mini-skirt, white stockings, white gloves, and black heels. She had long, neat, golden hair, lemon-colored eyes, and a beautiful face.

She looked at the army of drones approaching. "What have we here...?"

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OOC:there not attacking there monitering and basicly there flying alone to cover more ground also if you attack one it will explode into something almost as powerful as an atom bomb(except mor concealed into a small area also an alarm will go off and the rest of the drones will come


Oh ya something about my character .....you cant sense him or sense if hes powerful or not


IC: "holy frig its just someone in a friging buisness suit.......but that doesent meen therye still not powerfull" gefhx muttered to himself as the drones approachesd

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Oh no, that's not broken at all >_>


The girl looked at the strange drones. she giggled. "You're not here to capture me, are you?" She said sweetly.

A raven rose from the ground, along with a glowing orange ball on it's back. Oddly, the raven was white.

"Oh, sorry Cloud..." the girl said as the raven nested on her shoulder and cawwed. The ball of orange light levitated next to her.

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Leo starts to walk then he saw another drone.......... "What the hell!!" he said then he destroyed it.......... He kept walking until he saw a girl looking at the face of one of the drones......... He quickly hide up and whispered to himself "She must be the one who made them... But she seems harmless........ Still we have to be careful...."

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Alarm flashes around 20 drones apear these ones look like there prepared to fight(not attacking) and gefhx comes with them.

"well i see youve met my drone" gefhx says as picking up the broken one and gefhx touches his fingers to his forehead adn everybdy can see it get up and fly away while the others stay


"its not nice to kill a drone that wasn't attacking and has its own little mind" gefhx says almost in a growling tone


"also if youre not members of the allies union we have NO reason AT ALL to fight" gefhx says in a calm tone this time


"also if you destroy another drone i will fight you unless you leave, and if you decide to fight it will be a fight you wont soon forget!" gefhx says in a snarling tone when looking at Leo

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OOC:(by plain i mean dimension basically i cant go to the afterlife)


IC: "Fine" gefhx says when starting to explain what happened.

Gefhx explains how he was betrayed by the allies union when the FIRST war ended, he had escaped there guillotine but at a much greater cost while retreating the most powerful of their sorcerers cast an unliftible spell making it so i cant leave this plain even if my body is completely destroyed which it has been twice. And how ive survived and gained power i will not tell you" gefhx says while picking up the other drone Leo destroyed and repairing this one as well.

"oh yes if your wondering my age i'm roughly .....uhhh how long ago was 40 years before the first war started." gefhx says


"oh yes and about the war"gefhx says as explaining how its even more chaotic then it was then and its starting to go into mass hysteria

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OOC: i'm not overpowered i died twice and i cant get back into my body for an extremely long time (roughly 300 years) and when i do i'm back to basically something slightly more powerful then beginner rank sorryi didnt mention this earlier im a lazy typer :Lol: lol


IC:"Well good bye i have to go"gefhx says then disapears along with the drones (we teleported)


At base he starts data searching "hmm only can find a little info on one of them the other one is nowhere"gefhx goes deep in thought inside his base

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"Heh sense the first war... 1,000 trillion year plus 40... Oh he's older than my grandpa......... Freak.........." Leo said.......... " Heh he thinks the Allies are bad... Will he doesn't know about the Dragons Wrath..." he whispered to himself......... Then a couple soldiers of the Sea Castle [Leaders of the High Council] came near Leo "Master, 5,000 soldiers went of the Sword Castle [Leaders of the Allies] and they are heading to the Sea Castle......" the soldiers said to him...... "Will, will..... The game has just started......" Leo said then he went to there with the soldiers to Sea Castle.......

What they didn't know was that the Sword Castle soldiers weren't the only one who are attacking........ The were also 10,000 soldiers from the Dragons Castle......... And 5,000 soldiers from Gata Castle........ [The Allies army is 20,000]


OOC: Sorry I didn't right this before....... But the leaders of the Dragons Wrath are Gaushock Castle....... And they are pretending to be a High Council........ And Sky Castle pretending to be a none union castle.........

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"dragons wrath huh....good thing i left that drone in the ground there its recording system still works" *searches dragon wrath union in databanks*

"wow i realy got to insert a talking function in the drones they have been getting info on these guys for a while."

*continues looking over data*

"and did that guy say 1 trillion years.......i thought it was 1000 at most........Wow i have lost track of time hmm considering ive died twice i had guessed ide had been out for 300 years at a time.....my new guess is 300 billion years at a time" gefhx says confused


OOC: i don't think allies are bad but they betrayed me and sent me to die thats why i dont like em lol, also both of my deaths were recent so i'm not that powerful

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OOC: Okay dude..... But you wont find any info. about the Dragons Wrath because they are secret okay......... Only me and my teacher [NPC that wont come alot] knows about 'em............


IC: Leo and the soldiers were standing on a cleft where the war is gonna be....... "We'll wait here until they come...." he command the soldiers.....

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"hmmm....all the info i got is there armor color, a raid plan, and some basic weapons" gefhx says

"not enough info to do anything"gefhx continued


"hmmmm before my last death i was able to transform to my next form.......better get working on that"gefhx says as he starts building a generator and some other hi-tech components

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