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Elemental Hero's pets


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Elemental Hero's Pet Blaze Dragon


Effect: If ''Elemental Hero Burstinatrix'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Burstinatrix'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, This monster gain 1000 ATK.

ATK/DEF: 1000/100


Elemental Hero's Pet Typhoon Hawk

Lv4,WIND,Winged Beast

Effect: Once per turn, if ''Elemental Hero Avian'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Avian'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, you can return 1 Spell or Trap card into field to back it's owner's hand.

ATK/DEF: 1700/1000


Elemental Hero's Pet Bubble Penguin


Effect: In each your Stanby Phase, If ''Elemental Hero Bubbleman'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Bubbleman'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, You can draw 2 card from your deck.

ATK/DEF: 1500/1000


Elemental Hero's Pet Mountain Turtle

Lv4, EARTH,Rock

Effect: If ''Elemental Hero Clayman'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Clayman'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, your opponent can only select this monster as attack target.

ATK/DEF: 200/2500


Elemental Hero's Pet Flash Hawk


Effect: If ''Elemental Hero Sparkman'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Sparkman'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, This monster can attack your opponent directly.

ATK/DEF: 1200/1200


Elemental Hero's Pet Hammer Scorpion


Effect: If ''Elemental Hero Wildheart'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Wildheart'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, This monster can attack Twice in same Battle Phase.

ATK/DEF: 1600/1000


Elemental Hero's Pet Shadow Cat


Effect: If ''Elemental Hero Necroshade'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Necroshade'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, This monster cannot be destroy by effect of Spell or Trap card.

ATK/DEF: 2000/ 0


Elemental Hero's Pet Hunter Dog


Effect: If ''Elemental Hero Bladedge'' or Fusion Monster that list ''Elemental Hero Bladedge'' as Fusion Material Monster is Face-Up into field, if This card destroyed your opponent's monster as result of battle, it can attack once again in row.

ATK/DEF: 2400/1500


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All cards are balanced except the Earth one' date=' which needs its DEF bumped down a bit, and the Water one, whose effect is way overpowered. All the other cards are 10/10 I didn't spot any OCG errors worth noting



Hah. But the earth tortoise needs a cost.

I can help you find pics for them and then they can be placed in reallistic cards. If you want my help...

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