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<// Honesty Box //>


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The game is simple. Someone posts a topic, and then you tell your honest opinion about that topic (or just post something stupid! The name may say Honesty Box, but you try to be funny if you want).


Try to be witty, creative, serious, funny, whatever you like!


[spoiler=Rules - Read Before Posting]

- No bad language.

- No inappropriate pictures.

- If you don't like the topic, such as religion, then DON'T post.

- No being disrespectful.

- No spamming.

- No trolling.


Any breaching of these rules and you WILL be reported, banned from this thread and negged for every post you made in this thread while you were banned.




[spoiler=Banned List]

Username ---- Banned Time










I will start.


Topic - Do barbers go to other barbers or do they just do it themselves?

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