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The Official Elite-Quadro Promo Competition!


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Alright as you may have noticed by the title this contest has to do with the Elite-Quadro Clan, but what?


Well many of you tried out for a spot in the clan and didn't make the cut you still have a chance to take part the first Elite-Quadro Booster Set.


Your challenge? Create 5 cards that all are related in some way: eg. Gravekeeper's, Amazons ect. But you own new set. (not a already existing one) 3 monsters (one over level 7) a magic and a trap.


Your Prize?


Your card set will be made part of the booster and the most powerful monster you create will be added into the banner being created for the set.

2 Rep's

5 Points (Maybe more if HORUS donates ;)

and a preview of some of the Booster Set before anyone else See's it.


Edit: Aw Crap! Wrong Section can I get this moved)


Alright good luck guys.

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This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 3 Spell, 3 Trap, and 3 Monsters from your deck to removed from game. Once per a turn you may Special Summon 1 monster from your graveyard with "Baboon" in its name, the Special Summoned monster gains 100 attack. When this card is destroyed return all cards removed from the game by this cards effect into your library, shuffle afterwards.





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