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YCM City: Welcome our new leader, Cephus


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Do you have any more stuff for me to add Dark?


Not at the moment' date=' no.


Name of Person: Luna Lovegood

Gender: Female

What is Special About You: I'm a good witch of the west

Religion: None


in case you missed it


Putting yourself up for adoption, eh?

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Umm...dark here is my application


Username: Bassa2

Amount of Posts in YCM City: 10ish

How long have you been in YCM City? (days): 5

What position?: Sec of offence

What salary? (range): 20-70


Do we already have a sec of offense? If not' date=' accepted @ $65. I'd give you more, but you created your range.[/quote']


No we have sec of defence :) Thanks


lol sorry bassa2 - i already got accepted as the Sec. of Offence...

hows the whole government thing gonna work anyway?

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OK' date=' Tom Cruise funds us. He pays 500,000$ a year to keep us running



Uhh... Tom Cruise isn't in YCM City. :/


Dark' date=' I think we need an Attorney General, just in case [i']something[/i] goes wrong.


And a Surgeon General.


Username: Greek God George

Amount of posts in YCM City: 3

How long have you been in YCM City? (days): I really don't remember' date=' but its about ten.

What position?: Security

What salary? (range): 500 per day.



Too high of a salary. Hell, it's not even a range.

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Me want to apply



Company Head

Salary: $200

Dice Roll: 4+

Requirements: Can i run a video game company?


Denied' date=' please check your form again.




what do you mean?

You changed the REQUIREMENTS




BTW me and luna are getting married so i need a ring and please add me to the sec of defense please. I get 65$ a day


Does she want to get married? And I will see if Dark lets you become the Sec of Defense.


Hey Charizard' date='about company head,When are we going to know how much money we should have to run a Company? (As said in Requirements..)



Just ask me or Dark and we will think of the amount of money for the company.

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