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YCM City: Welcome our new leader, Cephus


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My first order of business is changing the title of the thread to:


"YCM City: Welcome our new leader, Dark"


Next, I need to appoint jobs.


Vice Prez --> Charizard


Treasurer --> ___


Sec. of Offense --> ___


Sec. of Defense --> ___


Senate --> ___, ___, ___, ___ and ___


Sector 1 Reps --> ___ and ___

Sector 2 Reps --> ___ and ___

Sector 3 Reps --> ___ and ___

Sector 4 Reps --> ___ and ___


If there are any other positions I missed, contact me.




Visit that for form information.


If you'd like a job, fill out the following:



Amount of Posts in YCM City:

How long have you been in YCM City? (days):

What position?:

What salary? (range):


Salaries cannot be less than $50 a day, and cannot be more than $400 a day.


In addition, any current members of YCM City must choose a Sector. You have A, B, C and D as your choices. They are not different in any way, but I need to split up the population. Should a sector be overpopulated, I will use government money to move you and your belongings to another sector.


If you do not choose a sector, you will randomly be placed in one. If you'd like to change sectors, it costs $200.

Please add to the signing up form a sector tab.


Should you have any suggestions, tell me through this thread.


I'll be establishing a governmental system ASAP. For now, this will be a dictatorship, with a sole advisor, Charizard.


The official religion of YCM City is: YCMism. You are free to practice another religion, but the government will not supply money to build temples.


At the moment, you will not be taxed. If I have an infinite amount of money as President, no one will ever have to be taxed.


Please add the following jobs:


Salary is per day.

Dice roll is on a 6-sided die.



Salary: $120

Dice Roll: 4+


Doctor's Assistant

Salary: $70

Dice Roll: 3+


Factory Worker

Salary: $40

Dice Roll: 2+



Salary: $65

Dice Roll: 3+


Company Head

Salary: $200

Dice Roll: 4+

Requirements: You must have enough money to build a business. A form for that will be added soon.


Once again, if you have suggestions, TELL ME. If they are good, THEY WILL BE IMPLEMENTED.

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Mhmm kay.


I will add those in the first post.


Shall I also add a section in the new member list to say "What will your sector be?"


For now we have infinite money. If a city or country declares war we shall be losing some money for military supplies.


If you had good grades in school and you are above 17 you shall be send to war.

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Please do so. I edited the post with a tag-on post.


Sorry for all these implements at once. You didn't fully create YCM City.


Do I have infinite money?


As of now, I am creating a food system. You need at least 1 piece of food per person per day to live. If you have no job, you will get food tickets. If you fail to have food, you will die. You can be revived for $100. Should you have no money at the time of being dead, you have to fill out the form again and start new.


At this moment, food will be fairly cheap.


1 Food = $3

2 Food = $5

3 Food = $7

4 Food = $9

5 Food = $10

10 Food = $18


At this moment, food cannot go bad. In time, however, I will make it so food goes bad after 10 days.


EDIT: @Launce: Denied. Please check: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/misc.ph...tid=168050 and re-apply. Also, your salary is a bit too high as of now. You'll get a raise in due time.



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I'm going to be posting updates fast, please keep up with me, Charizard.


Please add a Food column to the Members spoiler.


I am lowering the cost of a ring to $250.


Wedding planning will be $100.


5 tickets will be $80.

10 tickets will be $160.

et cetera

With a max of 100 tickets @ $800.


Please take out GFXer as a job.


Since HaiYCM is the first lady (or first man, as it would seem), I will allow him to get a $125 salary per day.



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@ Charizard: Please keep up with all the purchases.



Amount of Posts in YCM City: I think 5 or 6

How long have you been in YCM City? (days):About 3 days

What position?: Sec. of Defense

What salary? $100-$250 I would have to protect the lives of everyone in the city' date=' I think I deserve a good amount but not too much.

Also just to not die I will buy 10 food.



Denied. Make more (unspam) posts in this thread, and you'll be accepted. Re-apply when you have 15 or 16 posts. :D

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