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Official Runescape Discusion Thread


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Inadequacy is the only real hard part. Pray ranged and use Blood/Ice Burst or rune bolts. Keep dodging and repeat so that it will go down. I still don't see why it is required to have 85+ cb

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Inadequacy is the only real hard part. Pray ranged and use Blood/Ice Burst or rune bolts. Keep dodging and repeat so that it will go down. I still don't see why it is required to have 85+ cb


I guess they consider that a 'fair' level for the fight. Tbh, I wouldn't be able to figure that out either but I was already over level 85 when I did it, so I never questioned it either.

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I finished Fight Arena and Perils of Ice Mountain today....not very exciting, I know. But they're quests I started years ago and never finished. That's my current goal. Finish all the finishable quests i've already started before starting any new ones.

A very noble pursuit if I may say so myself. If you need any help, just ask, I got a Quest Cape. ;)

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