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Official Runescape Discusion Thread


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Hunter is a pretty inconvenient skill to level up. You got all of these hunter grounds so far away from banks (Excluding the fedlip hills, but unless if you have done the ogress quest, you get no nearby bank). That's why I don't bother to raise it much.

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Possibly the new skill? Anyways I'm a little ticked. I got Cave Slimes as my Slayer Assignment from the lowest level Slayer master, whenever I try to kill those thing, something blows up and takes like half my hp. I just want to get it over with now that I can get Assignments from the Shillo Village master.

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I don't care for the new skill at the moment, and I think it's still too early. Either a(n unnecessary) cooking update, or more clan/friends list updates. I want Fairy Tale Part 3.


Anyway, I'm up to where you have to fight the Balance Elemental. I'll hold off on the fight for now until I'm properly prepared.


You can take tasks from Duradel? Lucky. He's dead, so I never got the chance to get a task from him. Why would you get a task from Turael anyway?

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