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Official Runescape Discusion Thread


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I've been working on my mining/magic using a Super-Special-Awsome Mining Technique.




For those who don't know about it:

1. You need a Fire Staff (Equipped), a Pickaxe (Rune Pick Recommended) and a whole crap load of Nat Runes (I went with 1000 to start). You also need enough Mining Skill to mine Coal (Lvl 30) and you need enough magic to cast Superheat Item (Lvl 43).


2. In a nutshell: You mine Coal and Ore to make bars that require coal to make. Then you use Superheat item to smelt the bars while in the mine rather than making constant bank trips. So you end up banking a near-full pack of bars rather than a bunch of cheap ores. This works EXTREMELY well with Mithril, Addy, and Rune ores considering their requirements for ALOT of coal to make 1 bar (Mithril bars require 1 Mith ore and 4 Coal) thus freeing up backpack space at a high rate. This technique was intended for people with 55 mining or higher, but I've been able to adapt it to work with Steel as well. My mining has gone up 3 levels (From 50, now 53) and my magic has gone up by 4 levels (From 45, now 49) through this method. It's genius! It's wonderful! It's Wonderfully Genius! Not to mention that Steel Bars sell for nearly 1k each and they're in HIGH demand.

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Frick most of you are prob members' date=' I've finished all the Free Quests and I got Bored of WC so i just stopped....



Heh, actually, my membership ran out a month ago. That mining tactic works for Free Players.


Though, I do intend to get another Membership card soon.

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I got a 30 day membership yesterday...currently at the Warrior's Guild working to get the Rune Defender ><


Also, the Credit Cards may be easier, but the RS Card is alot safer. My mom got her identity stolen after she used the Credit Card for me, and Jagex ended up automatically withdrawing money when she didnt have it. So she said we need to use the RS Cards from now on. MUCH SAFER.

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