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WOW! Pretty Good for a Level 2!!! You deserve a Rep! :D And my Official WT Stamp too a ^_^


I'm a level2? O.o w00t! ...Tho' date=' I have no idea what you are taking 'bout <=p


Woops......Sorry ^_^ *cough cough* I mean Level 3 ^_-


Aah, like that. Kewlz then =)

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i'll have an animation

*What the animation has to do:a stick figure throws a cocktail at a stick vigure but he catches it and throws it back and the other figure blows up

*What objects must the animation posses:two stick figures and an explosive cocktail

*Additional information:

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Here you go Verek357, dunno if it's any good. Pretty hard to make it black without messing it up, or going towards Dark Synchro =p






As for Death981, sorry dude. I hate making stickman animation, mainly because I always fail in making them. Can't help you with that. Sorry once more.

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