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.:~w0rm~:. vs. Cosmic LOCK - Cosmic left YCM.


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All YCM rules apply

Create any monster you want.

First to 5 votes wins

Prizes: 3 Reps to winner and 1 Rep to loser


[spoiler=.:~w0rm~:.'s Card]


[spoiler=Lore]This card is also treated as Thunder-Type. When this card is selected as an attack target by a WATER monster, destroy the attacking monster. Once per turn, you can decrease the ATK of 1 WATER, EARTH or LIGHT monster on the field by 500 points until the End Phase. If you do this, your opponent can activate Trap Cards from their hand during your next Battle Phase.



[spoiler=Cosmic's Card]


[spoiler=Lore]You can Tribute Summon this card with 1 Tribute if you Tribute a "Lightsworn" monster. You can discard 1 card to increase the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 300. When a "Lightsworn" monster would be destroyed by battle, you can send the top card from your Deck to the Graveyard instead. During the End Phase, send the top 2 cards from your Deck to the Graveyard.



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You can Tribute Summon this card with 1 Tribute if you Tribute a "Lightsworn" monster. You can discard 1 card to increase the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 300. When a "Lightsworn" monster would be destroyed by battle, you can send the top card from your Deck to the Graveyard instead. During the End Phase, send the top 2 cards from your Deck to the Graveyard.

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