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Individual tri-task tournament - done [LOCK]


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Hello and welcome to my tournament! You'll find the details down here:

[spoiler=Starting Date]When all 18 people enter


[spoiler=End Date]In maximum 6 weeks after beginning.


[spoiler=Members]1. Lexadin

2. Blaze Pyro

5. Max Darkness.


[spoiler=Rules]1. No entry fee, just post.

2. You are in groups, not teams! So just post your own, personal card every round.

3. Every round, I will assign one different task to every group. Stick to your group's task!

4. At the end of each round, I will eliminate the worst card for each group (that means 3 people will get eliminated per round).

5. When there is only 1 person left in each group, the 3 finalists will have to make 1 card each freestyle. That means there will be no task for the final round.

6. When you enter, I randomly assign you a group

7. Every round, I will permit certain groups to ignore OCG rules.


[spoiler=Current Task (last)]Make anything.


[spoiler=Prizes]1st place - 350 points +3 rep

2nd place - 1 rep both



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Try inviting a few people. That will make the contest more exclusive and you can get more entrees.

You think I did not try that?

I'll join. Could I please be a scavenger (I love mill).



Oh what the heck' date=' I'll join. But bear in mind, I am, as J-Max said, the Counter/Token Master of YCM. So yeah, I'd be amazing under breeders, but it might be unfair...lolz



Heh' date=' the two posted above me wanted breeders and im in that group.

Good thing its random


I know.

I guess we are doin a lot of progress. 8 more ppl to go!

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