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Yu-Gi-Oh! X - Episode 008 The 6th Signer?


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The writing style in this episode was inspired by blackthunder's Yugioh : Power of the D.D. archtype.


In Satellite, Kidd's wounds were being treated,


Rally:There, your fine.

Kidd:Oh really, because it still hurts! I thought you knew how to do this.

Rally:Well excuse me for not freakin going to freakin medical school.

Kidd:Can't I see a real doctor?

Yusei, Jack, Crow, Blitz, Nerve, and Rally:Nope.


After that, Kidd then faints.

Yusei:What the Hell?

Yusei looks behind him to see Rally accidentally shot Kidd in the back with Kidd's Tranquilizer Gun.

Yusei:Why does Kidd have a Tranquilizer Gun?

Rally:No idea.


Yusei:He's waking! But how?

Kidd:That tranquilizer dart only lasts for 5 minutes.

Yusei:That is stupid as hell.

Kidd:Tell me about it.

Rally:Lie back, let me treat your wound.

Kidd:Uh, no I'm good.

Rally:But I have to put rubbing alcohol on it.

Kidd:No! Stay the funk away from me just stay away.

Kidd keeps struggling and after Rally straps him down and takes his shirt off, they realize something.

Rally:Oh my god!

Yusei:You are a Dark Signer!

Kidd:Wait, I have all the Dark Marks. Well, just on my back.

Yusei:What do you mean?

Kidd:Look at this.

Kidd turns around and Yusei, Jack, Crow, Blitz, Nerve, Tank, and Rally

find out that Kidd not only has all of the dark marks he also has...

Yusei:You have the Crimson Dragon Mark!

Kidd:That was what I was trying to tell you!

Yusei:Holy sheet!


Yusei:This is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kidd:Well, only my signer mark is activated. While my older brother, Graton, has his Dark Signer marks activated.

Yusei:That is crazy as hell.[/b]

How come all of my o's have been changed to smilies?

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Your fan fic is good' date='but if you want to write a fan fic the characters you created should be the the main characters while the real Yugioh characters (only if you add them)should be minor characters,while in your fan fic the main characters are from Yugioh 5D's





This is far from good. I know the rules, so I won't be offensive... too much. Neither of you know the rules. No script form, and all additions go into ONE thread. Not two, ONE. ONE ONE ONE!


Clear enough?

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Your fan fic is good' date='but if you want to write a fan fic the characters you created should be the the main characters while the real Yugioh characters (only if you add them)should be minor characters,while in your fan fic the main characters are from Yugioh 5D's





This is far from good. I know the rules, so I won't be offensive... too much. Neither of you know the rules. No script form, and all additions go into ONE thread. Not two, ONE. ONE ONE ONE!


Clear enough?


I know the rules!And I know that this fan fic is far from good.Because if I would create about Yusei's life in the Satellite I would write about Yusei's childhood when he was 8-14 years old.1 last thing that none has noticed:

Yusei was 1 year old before the Zero Reverse.

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