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Admiral Tim

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Page nodded and took a few steps back, to give their Pokemon space to battle. However she took more steps back than usual; knowing Deli's abilities, she didnt fancy getting caught in a present bomb. She had tried it once, and she never wanted to repeat the experience again.


"OK Deli, lets go." Hooting in a battle-like manner, Deli flew off her shoulder in a flutter and stayed airborne. "Ooookay, let's do this! Give him a Present!" She watched as Deli drew out a glowing bomb as he flew closer and closer to Charmander, before he dropped it. A loud explosion could be heard and seen as the orb landed, and Page was glad to see it had been a damage bomb.

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Page felt a small grin spread as she saw Deli missing Charmander, who had obviously dug fast enough. "Use it, Present!" She watched as Deli dropped the glowing bomb into the mouth of the tunnel, trapping Charmander as Deli flew back as fast as possible to avoid a repeat of what had happened earlier.

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Deli almost plummetted to the ground due to the sudden extra weight as Charmander managed to land on his back. "Deli, hurry! Rapid spin again!" She watched as Deli spun round so fast he flung Charmander off him and onto the ground. Deli easily balanced himself back out again and swooped round in a glide, evening out in front of Page again, ready for another attack.

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OoC: Do you like eevees?


IC: charmander spins around in mid air so he doesn't get to hurt when he falls. "Chamander now use Ember!" sudenly as charmander is about to use it, his special ability (blaze) kicks in. the fire on his tail gets humongus and we have to step back because of the heat. the charmander uses an ember so powerful that it almost looks like a flamethrower.

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OOC: not really, I <3 Delibirds


"Woah!" Even Page had to jump back, and Deli began to furiously try and fly away but the fire caught up with him just as it ended. Not giving up just yet, he turned to face Charmander, though looking more battle-worn than his opponent. "OK ... gotta think ... Deli, rapid spin!" She watched as he spun like a tornado towards Charmander.

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Deli was headed straight for Charmander, unable to stop the Rapid Spin. "Deli, pull out now!" Page shrieked, her voice half-lost in the roar of the uncontrolled fires. Deli must have heard her, for he began to try and halt but a fire blasted him straight in the chest and flew backwards at such speed Page caught him, her arms wrapped around him. However she fell over from the force of the hit. "Deli - are you alright?" she gasped, looking at her singed Pokemon. He hooted, half-feebly, and some relief swept into her heart.

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"Thanks, and yeah we're fine," said Page. "I think Deli's going to heal himself..." The words had barely left her mouth when Deli grasped onto another orb and his form glowed. When it was over, he was looking as new as he had been before battle. "Is your Charmander struggling to control his Ember?"

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