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Ritual Monsters in the Extra Deck

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I was pondering over some old dilemmas that the current Duel Monsters regime has had with the mass amounts of useless cards made over the years. One of the big things that came to mind were Ritual Cards. Rituals have been useless since Day 1 that they came out, and they still are today (the only minor salvation they recieved was "Advanced Ritual Summoning", but that's limited now).


So, in a burst of inspiration, the thought came to me. What if we put Ritual monsters in the Extra Deck? Then there wouldn't be this dead draw problem. We could just summon the right Ritual monster when we drew our Ritual Spell Card?


Then I realized... that would SO overpower Ritual cards. But it would still be cool.


Any ideas on how to balance it? Ritual summons maybe taking twice the amount of stars? Requiring an exact amount? Monsters not being able to attack for the 1st turn? Please comment! :mgreen:

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Guest JoshIcy


Any changes in their mechanic would ruin possible future comings of any ritual support.

Since they now focus on both the Ritual Spells and Ritual Monsters from the Deck and Graveyard. You're basically milling as you summon.

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lol well ritual monsters aren't too useless, i use relinquished in my zombie deck just because i didn't have a Goyo at the time, ever since trying to get Goyo, the ritual monsters seem to be doing good, so it not so bad like Black Luster Soldier, Javelin Beetle, Masked Beast, or other non-effect ritual monsters. But like Azuh said the Synchros are pretty much the same as ritual summons except with no ritual spell card or Fusion with no polymerization.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

The new Ritual support goes a great deal towards making Rituals playable.


They just need a Ritual Spell card that removes itself in the Graveyard from play to Ritual Summon a monster in your Deck. That, combined with the Djinns, would be the boost that Rituals need in order to become top tier.

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Rituals (Once they are summoned) are ridiculously strong. Especially Demise' date=' Relinquished, and maybe Ruin. I used to run 2 Relinquished, and they came out pretty frequently with 2 of the ritual and 2 of them.



wow you too, so do i, and i can agree to your post.

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so let me get this your saying ritual monsters should be in the extra deck.


Now Icyblue saying it would ruin the game mechanic...




it would make rituals easier to summon than they used to be as you have to have the ritual, Ritual monster + from 1 to 3 monsters that total either its lv or higher which is much harder than pulling a basic polymer fusion off thats not an E-hero.

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Now Icyblue saying it would ruin the game mechanic...


[ur doin it wrong pic]


it would make rituals easier to summon than they used to be as you have to have the ritual' date=' Ritual monster + from 1 to 3 monsters that total either its lv or higher which is much harder than pulling a basic polymer fusion off thats not an E-hero.



Riturals in the Extra deck would basicly be a broken verson of Polymer.


Konami would might as well just make them Fusion Monsters with a material of "any # of monsters"


So there would be no real point in having a blue frame.


Riturals are there mechanic should stay as is.

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I completely agree... there are only 3 useful rituals I can think of. Demise, Ruin, and Relinquished. That's it. What's worse, though, is with the normal ritual spell, you lose usually a 2 or 3 card advantage... and that costs a LOT. They need to come out with some more ritual monsters, and support. :?

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hmmmm... that's quite a few opinions. Thank you all :D


I did forget about the "Djinns" (yay for Stardust Overdrive!), but they still don't help with the whole dead draw problem of getting a Ritual monster or Ritual Spell Card and then being stuck with it for potentially a long time (y'know... losing card advantage is BAD. And I recognize the Demise OTK deck, but that won't work with "Advanced Ritual Summoning" at a limit of 1/deck now. HA! Though it WAS really awesome...).

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Ritual monsters aren't that bad. Most of them are beatsticks, and Demise and Relinquished are great. I mean, think of Black Luster. It may have no effect. but besides RDA, where are you gonna get 3000 ATK? and which is easier to summon: A LV8 ritual or a LV8 Synchro? A LV8 Ritual just nedds its spell. A LV8 Synchro generally costs you about 3-4 monsters. and seeing that the only LV4 options are Hyper Synchron, Mist Valley Soilder, Flamevell Magical, and Debris Dragon, it is kind of hard. Hyper and Debris have downsides, I dont think Flamvel is released in the TCG yet. That leaves you with only 1 opt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ritual monsters aren't that bad. Most of them are beatsticks' date=' and Demise and Relinquished are great. I mean, think of Black Luster. It may have no effect. but besides RDA, where are you gonna get 3000 ATK? and which is easier to summon: A LV8 ritual or a LV8 Synchro? A LV8 Ritual just nedds its spell. A LV8 Synchro generally costs you about 3-4 monsters. and seeing that the only LV4 options are Hyper Synchron, Mist Valley Soilder, Flamevell Magical, and Debris Dragon, it is kind of hard. Hyper and Debris have downsides, I dont think Flamvel is released in the TCG yet. That leaves you with only 1 opt.


Lvl.8 Synchros should cost you 2-3 weak monsters, and Synchros stay in the Extra Deck so that they're never dead draws, whereas Ritual Monsters and Ritual Spells are dead draws. Plus there aren't any Ritual Monsters with effects along the lines of "Stardust" and "Rose" that aren't banned (I'm thinking "Demise".....). Synchros are superior, which is why they're so overused. Ritual monsters need help.


I can get out a 2800 beatstick just by having 3 DARKs in the Graveyard.

True that. And that card would happen to be limited....

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