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Nope, its fine. Just saying don't think it'll work when nothing has been done yet.

Hey guys, I'm gonna post my Bleach Apps here because PM's can't handle the size of one of my Apps lol.


[spoiler=Bleach Apps][spoiler=Espada]Name: Sven Trago

Age: 222

Rank: 3

[spoiler=[color=red]Appearance (at least 4 lines):[/color]]Arturo3rdEspada.jpg

He stood only 5' 8'' from the ground and weighed only 140lbs. His hollow hole is on the left side of his stomache area. He wears a half white t-shirt, that only connects at the top and the rest is left open to show his abs. His back has his family crest tattooed on it, to remind him of where he came from. On his hands are black gloves while on his elbows are black coverings. He wears a skirt like dressing to cover below his waist and is held around by a black belt. On his feet are black shoes that go up to his ankles and have a white stripe along the center vertically. He has long black hair, but is tied back and let hung down. His eyes are also pitch black as the blackest night. His hollow piece is on the leg and right side of his head, but are only 2 small spikes for each from his mask. His zanpakuto is carried on his right side on the hip.



[spoiler=[color=Blue]Personality(at least 4 lines):[/color]]A normally calm man who can be easily angered. When angered he becomes very dangerous and will do almost anything to kill. If calmed past the anger point however, he becomes even more dangerous then before. He will lure opponents in for attacks then strike without warning. He gives no mercy in all fights and ensures that his opponent be killed.


He likes the look of pain on an opponents face when he injures them as well as when they are angry. He absloutely loves the sight of blood and almost craves to see it. When not fighting he likes to be alone because if he is around people, he gets a wanting to kill. He enjoys a simple meal consisiting of a medium to large hollow every once in a while.


He absoutely hates other people and can't stand to be around them. He even more hates authority, but keeps himself under control. He hates to lose in a fight because losing means weakness and he knows he is not weak. He dislikes pesky little hollows who think they can do whatever they want. He doesn't like living in a giant castle because he feels it is a waste of space.


His major flaw would be underestimating his opponent because he feels he is superior. Though he doesn't show it, he does take them for granted. He minor flaw would be his blood lust. He sometimes forgets his strategy of lure and injure when blood is seen and goes on the attack. Though he has these flaws, he keeps himself in check and rarely shows the flaws.


[spoiler=[color=brown]History(at least 6 lines):[/color]]Sven was born into a somewhat large family of 4 children. He however was a twin to his brother Cameron. Because the family was so large, they lived in a large house. Besides Cameron there were 2 other brothers and 2 sisters. Sven never spent much time at home though because he was always playing with the kids from his school.


He went to a middle class school because his parents wanted to save money even though they didn't need to. He made many friends and was happy. Sometimes he would get in trouble in class because he was having too much fun with his friends. Sven's parents did not think that it was a good thing for him, but didn't take him out of the school. he was happy they didn't because he wanted to stay with his friends.


However, the kids he was playing with weren't rich like his family was. Sven didn't care about being rich though, he only cared about being happy. His parents did not like this and soon began treating him like a poor child. Cameron however always stuck up for him and even snuck him extras. His other brothers and sisters chose not to care for Sven.


One night Sven was out playing with his friends and a storm rolled in. On his way home he had to cross a large street. While he was crossing, a drunk driver looked away to grab his beer and his truck swerved off the intended path. The truck smashed into Sven's body, killing him instantly. The truck and driver however, continued along and disappeared into the night.


When his parents found out he had been killed they seemed to not care. his brothers and sisters didn't care either except for Cameron. Cameron was heartbroken about losing his little brother and sometimes wouldn't do anything because he was so sad. Sven watched day after day over his family and Cameron, as a spirit. After his funeral, he noticed Cameron no longer crying about him. In fact he had become like his other brothers and sisters, a rich snob who only cared for money.


This angered Sven so much that he turned into a Minus. He took the form of a dragon, like his families crest had in it. Except his mask was that of the sun. He began haunting his family, causing mass destruction to the home. He began eating other spirits to try to cure his cravings for them. It wasn't long before he began changing into a Gillian.


Sven spent a good 50 years as a Gillian, eating other Gillian and gaining strength. This in retrospect was actually a good length of time then other Adjuchas took, but there were also some that took even longer. When he became an Adjuchas, he returned to a near same form as his Minus, but smaller. He roamed the White Desert for 150 years, eating other Adjuchas who were weak and not very willing to continue on.


Through the 150 years, he gained and lost many companions. He would eat each one of them after they died. This just made Sven more happy becaus ehe hated to be around people now. Sven began to grow in power and some size. Then one day after eating one of his last companions. His body changed again.


A boy emerged from the large body of the Adjuchas. This would be Sven's normal form now as he had become an Arrancar. He wore a zanpakuto on his right side, it had a red sheath and a dragon hand guard. He soon entered Los Noches and stayed alone within the castle. At times he would exit to go eat large hollows because he still craved them.


He continued to spend the next 13 years inside Los Noches, training himself and learning cero. He trained using his zanpakuto as a secondary choice to his hand to hand style. He felt it was better to use his hands rather then a weapon to do his bidding. He also developed his defensive style of fighting to be able to catch his opponent off guard better instead of doing a full on attack to overpower them.


Sven would go days without eating and drinking, though hollows don't necessarily need to. After his intensive and harsh training he would sleep for a few hours, eat and drink before doing another set. He developed good discipline and good battle sight. He also developed a quicker speed and strength then a normal arrancar would in solitude.



[spoiler=[color=green]Zanpakutou Name and Appearance:[/color] Deragonu]Sven becomes coated in a white, scale like armor that can withstand simple sword strikes. His mask forms over his face and looks like that of a dragon's skull. A long spiked white tail grows off his tail bone. His hands and feet become claws, as spikes appear along his spine. Large white wings form off his back and can sustain him in flight, but can retract to all him to move on the ground. The wingspan has a length of 15ft.


Resurreccion Phrase: "Fly in the skys Deragonu"

[spoiler=[color=green]Resurrecion Abilities:[/color]]1) Elemental Protection - protects from simple large scale and nonprecise strikes from elemental attacks. Also protects from weather of any kind[except if lightning were to strike it since that is a precise strike].


2) Basic Elemental Manipulation - can use basic uses of fire and even wind. Such as breathing fire and blasting wind from the large wings.


3) Elemental Absorbtion - can absorb small amounts of elemental attacks. Such as taking in wind from a wind attack and changing it into energy. the same can be done to other elements, but only a small amount from any element.


4) Elemental Merge - can merge with the elements such as if he goes into the water he is not affected by the thought of drowning or if he merges with the ground he won't be suffocated to death. This does not work with elemental attacks.


[spoiler=[color=green]Segunda Etapa Appearance:[/color] Buruningu Deragonu]Sven's scale like armor increases in density. His mask grows 2 horns that can emmit a cero when Reiatsu is gathered between them. The claws and spikes become longer and as sharp as a sword. The tail gains more spikes and can emit a cero from its tip.


[spoiler=[color=green]Segunda Etapa Abilities:[/color]]1) Elemental Creation - can create some elements out of the air. Some of these include diamond from crystallizing water vapor i the air, fire from a spark possibly cause by clashing swords or even earth from floating dust.


2) Elemental Change - can change one element into another one. Such as water to fire or to earth or to sand or vice versa for any element that he feels would be better to use. This does not work on elemental atatcks, unless he is the one using the attack.


3) Elemental Cero - produces a cero unlike any others. It consists of the elements and is fired in the same fashion as the others. It is not affected by the elements when it is fired though, so weather and elemental atatcks do not affect it. Sven hides it with his Reiatsu though, so it is invisble until the moment before it strikes.



[spoiler=[color=orange]Abilities:[/color]]Cero: Can do most canon cero and a few special ones.[if needed can be listed]

Swordsmanship: As previously stated, does well with a sword, but doesn't use it first.

Hand to hand: As stated before, is very good at it.

Sonido: Has a fast sonido. Can be used without Resurrection. In Resurrection, it is faster.

Garganta: Can open one at will anytime except in battle.

Spirtual Power: His spiritual power is dark and menacing. Can bring gillian and lower hollow as well as souls to quiver and fear him as he walks. If he chooses to, he can put that power onto one being and cause that being to break down mentally, causing them to either give up to him and die or kill itself.

Bala: Has an incredibly fast bala. It is also a darker red, to show his dark reiatsu.

Strength: Has incredible strength. Can seem like superhuman if he actually uses his full power. When in resurrection, this is even more powerful.

Stamina: Has incredile stamina, capable of outrunning almost anything that runs. However will be winded after doing so and usually doesn't try after a good distance.

Hierro: His reitsu is so strong that only those stronger then him can even begin to pierce it. If someone of the same level or lower attempts to break it, it will most likely not break unless rapidily struck in the same place.




Offense: 10/10

Defense: 9/10

Strength: 10/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Cero: 9/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 65/70



[spoiler=Fraccion]Name: Turantura

Age: 39

Rank: Fraccion to Tercia Espada

[spoiler=Appearance (at least 4 lines):]A tall slightly muscular man who looks as if he lived in Italy. He has dark red hair and green eyes. He wears a dark green shirt with no back and short sleeves. His green pants go down to his shins since he doesn’t like things around his ankles. There is a rope around his pants to keep them held on. He is always barefoot because he uses his feet to grip onto things better. On his hands he wears red and white gloves to finish his representation of Italy. His Zanpakuto is actually not seen as he can have it appear in his hands at any time.


[spoiler=Personality(at least 4 lines):]Extrememly cocky and willing to do almost anything to achieve his goal. He won’t hesitate to kill anyone or anything as long as it’s not in his way. Turantura although willing to kill any on site and being cocky, is liable to go too far. Through all his hatred and willingness he tends to overkill whatever he aims to just kill. Sometimes this leads to him almost being killed by an Espada, yet he is able to quickly relieve tension between him and the other Espada. This can be seen as strength or a weakness, yet no Espada has yet to try to finish him off yet.


[spoiler=History(at least 6 lines):]Turantura was born in Italy and raised with a pure Italian family. Almost after birth his parents taught him to be strict and not to take crap. Unfortunately he was killed by a thief who robbed a jewelry store that his parents happened to be in that day. For about a year he wandered the streets of Italy after watching his parents forget about him. He grew angry at each passing moment that he could be remembered by his parents, yet they forgot he ever existed. Then one day after they moved he was so angry he turned into a Hollow. He began eating stranded souls everywhere he could find. He did this out of anger and began growing stronger by the day. Soon he was able to travel to Hueco Mundo and began eating other hollows, since souls became less of a thrill to eat. He continued to eat hollows throughout his time in Hueco Mundo. Then one day at the age of 14 he changed into a Menos. This wasn’t enough to satisfy him though, so he ate Menos in the Menos Forest. He was determined to be remembered and wouldn’t stop until he had achieved that. At the age of 25 he changed once more into an Adjuchas. He was now a hollow with human appendages. This enticed him to continue eating Hollows since he knew he was gaining strength. At the age 32 he ripped off his mask as his power for hunger had grown just as he had grown. He was now an Arrancar and wanted to get inside the large castle where he knew the Espada were. He continued eating other Adjuchas and Arrancars that were trying to become Espadas as well. He would force himself to the top and be remembered and no one would stand in his way. Then one day near the age of 40 a few Espada came to Turantura and brought him with them to the castle. There he was told he would become a Fraccion to the Tercia Espada, a high honor.




[spoiler=Zanpakutou Name and Appearance:]Uoruffu. A normal katana with a green hilt. The blade itself is pure white and has no marks on it whatsoever. There is no handguard as Turantura doesn’t like to hold back and thinks that if he is hit, he deserves it. The blade is ¼ longer then any normal katana.


Resurreccion Phrase: "Return the call, Uoruffu."

[spoiler=Resurrecion Abilities:] In the released form, it places a fur like covering onto the back of Turantura. This covering is stronger then any steel and can even deflect cero. His hands and feet become claws, yet they are still able to be used like human hands. In this form, Turantura is able to use cero from his hands or mouth. His speed is also tripled, not to mention his strength is tripled as well. Turantura is also able to form 2 more of him self in this form. Since wolves never travel alone, he is able to make 2 copies of him self like a pack. Though in doing this the strength and speed of each of them return to that of which he would normally have.


Segunda Etapa Appearance: -----

Segunda Etapa Abilities: -----




Cero: Can do a lot of cero, having been trained by the Tercia Espada. Knows some of his own as well.

Swordsmanship: Is excellant in sword combat. With probably use this whenever he fights. Was taught by the Tercia Espada and decided to specialize in it.

Hand to hand: Is good at this and was taught by the Tercia Espada. Though he prefers sword combat.

Sonido: Has a normal sonido. Can be used without Resurrection.

Garganta: Can open one at will anytime except in battle.

Spirtual Power: His spiritual power doesn't feel menacing. Actually it seems as if he doesn't have one. This is actually untrue, he is capable of hiding it making his power seem unknown.

Bala: Has a normal bala except for one fact. It is as large and strong as a normal cero, but with the speed of a bala.

Strength: Has near animal like strength, this coming from his resurrection. When in resurrection, it is even stronger.

Stamina: Has unmatched stamina. Through his resurrection, he has trained himself to be able to travel long distances and more without getting tired, all at a fast pace.

Hierro: His hierro can be matched to an Espada's. Having the Tercia Espada increase it through harsh training. Though it can still be penetrated by someone of a higher class or someone with stronger reiatsu.

Pesquisa: Can sense even the faintest amount of reiatsu from over miles of distance. This was trained through the use of his resurrection, making him capable of finding even hidden reiatsu. He can also tell the level of strength that the reiatsu is coming from.



Offense: 9/10

Defense: 8/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Cero: 9/10

Spiritual Pressure: 8/10

Total: 60/70



[spoiler=Captain]Name: Kisune Karnon

Age: 222

[spoiler=[color=red]Appearance (at least 4 lines):[/color]]ShadowWarriorcopy-1-1.jpg

He wears a blue t-shirt covered by a black vest with buckles strapping it tight around his stomach. His pants were silver and went down to his shins for there was shin plates connected to his boots that hid the rest. He also wore black fingerless gloves on his hands. His hair color also seemed to turn more of a blue color, but it was hidden by a large white cloak with a single attachment at the neck and a hood over his head. His zanpakuto held at his waist behind him under the cloak. A small covering held by the vest shown his family crest. Other various weapons lay in the backpack on his back.


[spoiler=[color=Blue]Personality(at least 4 lines):[/color]]Kisune is an all around nice guy with a high tolerance for pain of all kinds. He is not one to speak, but when he does its usually important or nonsense. He is as loyal as a person can be and will help his comrades when ever they need it. The one thing he hates most is waiting, so in a long fight he will either finish an opponent off or leave the fight. He will never surrender though, even if he leaves a fight, he will return to finish them off. In harming his comrades, Kisune becomes instantly angered and will ensure that the opponent does not survive to the very least. He will sometimes drain his power just to make sure nothing that harms his comrades survives.


Squad: 12

Captain or Vice Captain: Captain

Seat(If not Captain or Vice Captain): ------

[spoiler=[color=brown]History(at least 6 lines):[/color]]Kisune grew up with the rich, but this didnt phase him. He always would be around the poor kids, playing their games. Everyday he came home he was filthy and he parents scolded him about being around the poor and not the rich. He was always told he was the worst of his family since he was always doing things with the poor kids. He was so digusted with this that one day he left his home with just his clothes on his back at the age of 9. Not long after leaving was he hit by a speeding car and killed instantly. He spent weeks swaying around watching his family and friends continue on their lives like he was still there. A shimigami soon arrived and sent him to the Soul Society. Not long did he enter the Shinigami Academy and learned their ways along with their abilities. By the age of 13 he was the strongest of his class and joined team 2. He trained harder after joining, easily surpassing his teammates. When it came to actual combat though, he allowes his teammates to try and defeat a Hollow. When it came to the point where they would lose, he would step in and finish it off. He thanked his teammates for the effort they put in and pushed them to become stronger. He makes sure that he is always the strongest of them though and hopes to become the captain very soon. He spent a hundred years rising in the seats in Squad 2, learning many kidou and even Shikai. After becoming vice-captain of squad 12, he learned Bankai. However he never showed it because he never had a need and kept it secret. He stayed vice Captain for another hundred years, holding his secret and earning complete trust of his comrades under him. Then he was put up for Captain and showed that he did in fact have Bankai and even had full control of it. Everyone was shocked, except his Captain who knew of it, but allowed Kisune to keep it secret. When Kisune passed the test, his Captain retired and he took his place. Though he has only spent four years now as a Captain, he has the trust of his entire squad.



Zanpakutou Name: Furendoregan

[spoiler=[color=green]Zanpakutou Appearance:[/color]]Furendoregan has a completely red blade with white dragons on its side. The hilt is white with a red grip. The hand guard is of a dragon going around it. At the bottom is the symbol for Dragon. On the blunt end there is a serrated edge. The sheath itself is inverted though, being completely white with red dreagons on the sides. It it held on his right hip to be drawn in any fashion with any hand.


Shikai Release Phrase: "Burn, Furendoregan."

[spoiler=[color=green]Shikai Appearance and Abilities:[/color]]Appearance -Furendoregan changes from its sealed form into a metal flame like design where the blade would be. These are not flames themselves though, they just look like it as they are still metal. The blade is 4 feet in length and is razor sharp at any and all edges.

Abilities -When activated, Furendoregan is able to shoot out purple flames. These flames are able to melt metal as well as give a person second degree burns. The flames also will stay onto anything until Furendoregan is sheathed. This allows the flames to worsen the burns creating more pain. These flames cannot be put out no matter what is done to put them out.


[spoiler=[color=green]Bankai Appearance and Abilities:[/color]]Name -Raichin Furendoregan

Appearance -The blade turns back into its sealed form. The user's clothing changes into an all red attire to match the dragon. Even the sandals become red as well as the user's eyes. The hair shows red highlights in them.

Abilities -When released, Raichin Furendoregan brings out a gigantic red dragon with white wings, half the size of a skyscraper. The dragon is able to shoot out purple flames from its arms, legs, mouth, nose, tail, eyes and wing tips. Along with purple fire it is able to release a small amount of anesthesia from its pours. The weilder of Raichin Furendoregan is not affeced by this however. The anesthesia enters the opponents body, slowly forcing the opponents movements to slow down. Eventually their system shuts down and they will die. There is an antidote however, but it is always carried inside the bottom of the hilt of Raichin Furendoregan.




Bakudō -

8. Seki (Repulse)

26. Kyakko (Curving Light)

39. Enkosen (Arc Shield)

58. Kakushitsuijaku (Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows)

61. Rikujōkōrō (Six Rods Prison of Light)

77. Tenteikūra (Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air)

81. Danku (Splitting Void)

Hadō -

4. Byakurai (Pale Lightning)

31. Shakkahō (Shot of Red Fire)

33. Sōkatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down)

54. Haien (Abolishing Flames)

58. Tenran (Orchid Sky)

63. Raikōhō (Thunder Roar Cannon)

88. Hiryugekizokushintenraiho (Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon)

90. Kurohitsugi (Black Coffin)



Offense: 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Kido: 9/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 65/70



[spoiler=Vice Captain]Name: Rogue Karnon

Age: 200


Rogue stands at a height of 5' 5'' and weighs only 110lbs.Her skin has a tan complexion, but is basicly white. She has long red hair, but it is covered by a hood. Her eyes are aqua blue and glisten in the moonlight. On her upper body she wears a ripped white blouse that is held on by some material on her shoulders and around her upper arms. It covers part of her lower body, but she is also wearing extremely small white shorts, which make it seem like she's not wearing anything below at all. On her right arm is a black forearm glove while on her left is a grey bracelet. On her legs are thigh high black stockings. On her feet she wears light brown sandals, but she prefers to not wear them when she isn't walking or running.


[spoiler=Personality:]Rogue is a cunning and devious girl, but she is also loving and caring. She doesn't just jump right into a fight, she lets others fight for her before she goes in for the kill. This shows her cunning and intelligence. To show her love, she stands by her Captain unless he is busy with something else. She'll even stand by his side in battle, but she uses her intelligence to find the enemie's weakness.


Squad: 12

Captain or Vice Captain: Vice Captain

Seat(If not Captain or Vice Captain): ---------

[spoiler=History:]When Rogue was alive, her name was Danielle Hozuki. When Danielle was a child she went through school quickly. At the young age of 14 she graduated college. However tragedy struck when she contracted a life ending illness. She died not long after contracting the disease. While she was a soul, she met a shinigami named Kisune. He was on a mission and he sent her to Soul Society as soon as he saw her. She never forgot his face and she entered into the academy to try to see him again. Again, Danielle excelled through the courses, graduating early. After graduating she found Kisune and talked to him about joining his squad. He was Vice Captain at this point and talked to his Captain about it. The Captain then put her into the squad and 3rd seat at that. She tried to be aorund him as much as possible and soon they even began dating. After a few years, Kisune was moved to Captain and he took he as Vice. Not long after they got married and she changed her name to Rogue Karnon. She wanted to change it because it was a way for her to start a new life. Ever since, she is still Kisune's Vice Captain and wife.




Zanpakutou Name:Sutoraikin Sunekku

Zanpakutou Appearance: A small green tint blade with a yellow grip on a black hilt. The handguard is of a snake going around it. Along the sides of the small blade are yellow snakes.

Shikai Release Phrase: "Slowly Kill, Sutoraikin Sunekku"

[spoiler=Shikai Appearance and Abilities:] Sutoraikin Sunekku turns into 2 small separate blades that can be worn on the sides on the arm. The blades are the length of the forearm plus 1 foot out in front of the hands. The blades are pure green and each contains enough acid to kill anything upon physical contact. The yellow snakes disappear to hide how deadly it is. The blades are razor edge and can cut almost anything with its strike. Even if it doesn't pierce something, the effects of the acid can eat away at the substance. The acid also works like a poisen, once it enters the system the victim is doomed to die. Only possible way to survive however is to either kill Rogue or remove the body part[if that was what was hit] to keep the toxin from reaching the heart.


Bankai Appearance and Abilities: N/A



Bakudō -

8. Seki (Repulse)

26. Kyakko (Curving Light)

39. Enkosen (Arc Shield)

Hadō -

4. Byakurai (Pale Lightning)

31. Shakkahō (Shot of Red Fire)

33. Sōkatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down)

54. Haien (Abolishing Flames)




Defense: 8/10

Strength: 7/10

Speed/Dexterity: 7/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Kido: 10/10

Spiritual Pressure:10 /10

Total: 60/70



[spoiler=Quincy]Name: Christine Nuaga

Age: 34

[spoiler=Appearance:]Christine is 6'2'' tall and wears a white dress with a lace edging on the bottom. There are spaghetti straps that hold her dress to her upper body while she is moving around. The dress comes in tight around her waist, allowing it to stay on while she moves. Her chest is fully developed as any adult female's would be. The dress is tight enough and it covers enough to outline her chest, but not show anything off. Underneath she wears aqua blue underwear and bra[because she isn't naked underneath].On her left arm is the Sanrei Glove while on her right is nothing. Around her waist is also a small silver belt, holding the seele schneider's and silver tubes in a small pocket on the belt. On her legs are tan tights, to go with her tan complextion. On her feet however are not dress shoes as one looking at her might infer about her attire. Instead they are white high heel boots with a 2'' heel. These all her to go anywhere and do anything without having any problems, but also allow her to look stylish. She has dirty brown hair and hazel eyes to match her tan complextion. On her head is a small red flower.


[spoiler=Personality:]A sweet and kind lady, who doesn't look like will hurt a fly. Whenever the hint of danger or of a threat she analyzes the threat or danger and springs into action. She drastically hates shinigami and most likely will never work with one, unless the situation absolutely demands it. Whenever fighting she has the one shot kill mentality and ensures that it happens. If one hit can't win it, she goes overboard and bombardes the threat or danger until it is sure to no longer be a threat or danger. She is also very easy to work with when the job requires more then one person.


[spoiler=History:]Christine was living her life as a normal Quincy. Amoung her peers, she was the most accurate Quincy and was capable of hitting a hollow without even looking. When she turned 18, the elders handed her the Sanrei Glove, expecting her to show her that she is ready to be more involved and dedicated. During her week of intensive training, she developed her Bow into a second state as it were. However she had to do it on the opposite arm in order for it to work. For all she knew, she was the only one to be able to switch arms like that. Also in training she quickly learned Hiyrenraku. When she came back from her training, she showed mastery in the Sanrei Glove, but not that she was capable of using both arms. She felt that it was best to not in case they didn't like it. She also didn't show them that she could use Hirenkyaku because then she wanted to keep more secrets to herself. Upon pleasing the elders, they granted her use of the Seele Schneider's and Silver Tubes. Not long after came the war between the Shinigami and the Quincy, giving her the anger against the shinigami. While she could she escaped, taking medium injuries after fighting. When she escaped she took with her the Seele Schneiders and Silver tubes. She hid in secrecy, not knowing of any other surviving Quincy. While in hiding she also perfected the use of Hirenkyaku and Ransōtengai. She learned Ransōtengai incase she ever needed it through battle or for old age when it came.


[spoiler=Quincy Bow]

Bow Name: Doragon no bou [Dragon's Bow]

[spoiler=Quincy Cross:] A small little side view of a dragon that is curled at the tail. Its arm's are like when a lion is on display, when it's on its hind legs. A wing is shown tucked close to its back, making it a smaller design.


[spoiler=Bow Appearance:]The Bow is the same as the cross, except of course it is made of Reiatsu, but no wing and no arms. A person can make out the head and tail of a dragon, with the dragon's head actually visable not only from the side, but from the front as well. The dragon instead of being silver though is blue because of her Reiatsu. This however changes when she used the Sanrei Glove. When she uses the glove, wings form on the sides of the dragon, making it even more powerful.


[spoiler=Bow Abilities:]The bow is capable of firing off 1000 arrows a minute when not using the Sanrei Glove. However when using the glove, 500 more arrows a minute are capable of being used. All the arrows are also increased in potency when the glove is used. Christine is also capable of manipulating and directing each arrow after being fired from the bow. The wings also have an effect of their own, being able to block out low levels of kidou and even weak cero.


Extra Items: Sanrei Glove, Seele Schneider, Silver tubes



Offense: 8/10

Defense: 8/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Accuracy: 10/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 63/70



[spoiler=Bount]Name: Silvia Balter

Age: 164, she looks 14.

[spoiler=Appearance:]A small girl that stands only 4' 5'' tall. She has a redish-white skin tone, almost like she is sunburned, but not. She has long dirty blonde hair, reaching to her lower back. Her chest is partially developed, making her need to wear a bra[this isn't bad to say cause I'm sure even 12 year olds know what I'm talk about. If needed can be changed]. Her t-shirt is bright pink and even has a glitter pattern of a dragon on it, it has normal sleeves. She wears a dark red skirt that goes to her knees and is pleated all the way around. There are thin black lines running vertically on the skirt that go all the way around. On her legs are knee high, green and black stockings. The colors are in an interchangable horizontal pattern. On her feet she wears black dress shoes with a small ankle strap. Her hands are covered with fingerless gloves and are the color black. There is also an orange flame pattern on the back of them. She tends to wear a white sunhat on her head with a yellow flower on the seem.


[spoiler=Personality:]An incredible smart girl, who uses her "age" and appearance to her advantage. She puts off a "no threat" appearance, drawing her opponents in close. Then she unleashes her bent up rage by calling out her doll.This rage was built up from all the years of torment she got. Her doll is her best friend and she treats it like one and not one of a pet or slave. In this way she is caring, but only for the doll and noone else.


[spoiler=History:]After the slaughter of some Bounts, Silvia quickly went into hiding as a normal teenage girl. She lived alone, but always had a taste for souls. Everytime she saw one she would absorb it, making it seem like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Before the Quincy were massacred as well, she would absorb any one of them that were out alone. She used her "age" and appearance to catch them off guard before absorbing them. Her powers increased enough and she soon gained a doll. At first she didn't know what it was, then she began to communicate with it more. For most of the time while she was in her home it stayed unsealed, allowing her to make a better relationship with it. Whenever she went out, it would go into its sealed state. She treated her doll like her best friend, because she had noone else. Even in school she was hated because she always reenrolling into schools after going through them. They would ask her why and she would reply, "I just can't leave here." She was thought as weird and crazy, and so noone became her friend. She built up her rage knowing full well that she would be able to unleash it. Her doll also used this to fuel its power. Silvia continued to absorb souls until she was found by Fui. She decided to join him, but stayed in the background, doing other things that the other Bounts didn't know about. She absorbed many shinigami this way, increasing her and her doll's powers. Silvia continues to do this, her power always increasing.




Doll Name: Drache

[spoiler=Doll Sealed Appearance:]In its sealed state, Drache is a dragon design on Silvia's pink shirt. The design material looks like glitter and even gives off a small glimer in the sun. The design itself is of the side of the dragon, like a seahorse with its tail curled up. A wing is shown spread open coming off its back. The arms are held like a lion when its standing on its hind legs.


[spoiler=Doll Released Appearance:]When released, Drache takes the form of a somewhat large white dragon. His eyes are pitch red while his scales have a red tint, but only on his wings. Since he comes off of Silvia's shirt, this makes it seem like he is gigantic. He is actually not large at all, only having a wingspan of ten feet. He has four massive legs that hold up his body weight with ease. When on all four's he stands at around 5 feet tall. He has a long tail that comes to a tip. He has two mid-sized horns on his head, that Silvia can grab onto when she sits on him. His feet have razor sharp talons that are capable of cutting through metal like butter.


[spoiler=Doll Abilities:]Flight: Has the ability to fly high into the air without a problem. Then he can swoop in quickly for an accelerated attack. Is able to take Silvia to these heights without a problem.

Soundless Movement: Can move silently either when walking or flying. His scales move to direct wind flow around him in such a manner, it makes no sounds as he moves. However running he is capable of being heard.

Fire Manipulation: Can breathe fire from his mouth. Then can manipulate it while either standing still or flying. It's been said he can move a wall of flames with a simple flick of his tail. Silvia's gloves also allow her to manipulate the fire, but only by moving her hands.

Dragon Site: Can see in the day and night clearly. At night however, he can see the heat signature off of a body or soul.

Dragon's Yell: Drache makes a sound from his mouth capable of disrupting Reiatsu from an attack or defense. This can also cause slight hearing loss if up close to the yell. However does not affect Silvia.




Offense: 8/10

Defense: 9/10

Strength: 8/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Doll Control: 10/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 63/70



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