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Akatsuki of YCM


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Congratz, it´s almost as good as one of my best poems




An enchantress and a friend

These two fill the mind

Driving out all other beliefs

Replacing them with more.


The enchantress that I loathe

For the mountains I would climb for her

Yet, it may be the mountains that I hate

Or perhaps the climb to reach her.


I try to break free from it

From the curse of a pounding heart

To allow myself to draw breath

Yet the restraints of the curse hold me still.


I ignore the curse, try move on

Yet as soon as the enchantress speaks

It takes a hold of me, and like a time bomb

Can blow up in a flash, an explosion of affection.


My third attempt, I try to anger

The one who’s curse still plagues me

The curse that I wish to cast aside

Yet all I do is turn the heartbeat into pangs of guilt.


A friend, standing there all along

As I am cursed, she knew through me

As I knew more and more of her

She seemed to be no more than a friend.


As I live through the curse, she listens

As I surrender, she understands

I forget the curse, for an instant

Could she be simply a friend?


The curse finds another master

And although the target is still me

Yet it no longer seems unwanted

I realize what the friend really is.


I take the chance and ask

“Would you be mine?”

Although I expected a pang again

It was, in fact, a bittersweet joy.


The enchantress who cast the curse

The friend who turned it into a gift

It seemed all was right

Yet I knew better, truly.


The enchantress returns

This time, with no curse

She is a magnet whose pull

I try to jerk away from.


I feel the need to forget again

Yet, like last time, I cannot

I try to confront her, finally

And her reply leaves me speechless.


I can’t tell is she is truly caring

Or simply another enchantress

I think it over, again and again

I think of reasons to aid both decisions.


In the end, I leave without an answer

An answer to a question such as that

Is an answer I cannot give so easily

It’s an answer I must look for myself.


Or maybe I should rely on the friend

The one who used to be a friend

Yet is now more than a friend

So I ponder, will she be able to help?


My decision is my final one.

The storm in my mind

Is clearing away

I can now see the path.


The path that infinitely falls down

Into the abyss I jump, free

So now I say “Goodbye.”

To the enchantress and the friend.





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@Fusion - Sorry, I was out.


Well, it basically means the guy decided to suicide, instead of facing the confusion of having to choose between his friend, who he grew to love, or the enchantress, which he also grew to love.

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