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Akatsuki of YCM


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No, I'm in the right. Pagan means non-Christian/Jewish, so, by effect, it is NOT Christian if it is PAgan.


My reply stated the dispute existed, whereas yours stated your OPINION. Thus it is *Le Gasp* OPINIONATED! GO F****** FIGURE!


Wy is it not recorded? Because it was filmed by THE ANTI-BUSH MEDIA, and they deleted it! Not only that, but my Father is in the military, and not a low rank either, mind you. e9 is the equivalent of General!

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*sigh*Okay, get this. I celebrate Christmas, I celebrate Easter, I believe in Christ as Messiah, I believe in Jehova God as the Almighty, I despise Lucifer or whatever the heck you wanna call 'im. I do not celebrate Yule, Beltane, Ostara, or Sauan. I do, however, believe in the existence of Freya, Aradia, and Hecate. In addition, I have no problems with using Magic, and I use Pentagrams as a symbol for my Mesh Religion, alongside the Cross. How's this "Pure Pagan"?


And you're calling it opinionated simply because I didn't state a dispute? Why would that be disputed? If something like that happened, why wouldn't they make it public knowledge that they had found it? Something like that is pretty important, don't you think? If Bush was so worried about his public image, why would he want people to think that his war was useless? His popularity nose-dived faster than Clinton's after that incident with whats-her-face!

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Pentagram=Sign of Devil and/or MAgic

Freya, Aradia, and Hecate False Gods, according to Christianity.

MAgic is a fell art.


LArry the Cable guy... ehhehe... You reminded me of something funny about Bush and Clinton~


If you guys want fair and balanced reporting without all the bull that the media gives and you have cable or dish' date=' watch the Fox News channel.



Nah, Fox is a bit more Republican biased (Which I do like a little). Watch FOX and NBC, then decide what's biased and what's not. If you STILL need help after that, Steven Colbert and John Stewart are pretty unbiased.

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I love how that one commandment says "There shall be no gods before me" rather than "There shall be no gods other than me" The other nine are worded in such a way there can only be one interpretation (If only that were possible everywhere) yet here, there are two possible interpretations. However, he seems Hell Bent, for lack of a better phrase, on making sure everyone understands perfectly in the other nine. No adultery, no desire for what others have, no taking what others have. These are very clear-cut commandments, yet then we get to this one. If he were saying that he was the only one, why not say so? "There shall be no gods other than me." Simple enough to say. Instead, he opted for what we all know. "There shall be no gods before me." Now, I've actually thought about this. On my own. Ignoring what every pastor I've ever met said about it. And I've come to this conclusion:

Since all the others are worded so that there can be no confusion about their meaning, this is saying "There are others, however, I am the most important of them.You shall not worship them as being more important than me. They are lesser deities. Important in their own right, but not as much so as myself."


Pentagrams are signs of the devil, eh?

Satan is a benign being according to Satanism

Magic is the reason Jessica isn't dead right now. If I hadn't used the charm on Rosie, she'd have been sent to live with her drunkard, druggie father. Rosie had even drawn up the papers when I began.

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Then explain why the Golden Calf was so horrid. Explain why the Priests of Baal, who turned to Jehovah but sill worshipped Baal, were labeled as heretics. Expalin how the Christians were commanded to forsake their old ways.


Fine, UPSIDE-DOWN Pentagrams, which is how you think of a pentagram, are of SAtan.




That's called a miracle, not magic mumbo-jumbo.

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Actually, there is no better place to talk about Religion, IMO. PErfect place to spread the Gospel, doncha think? Especially with people like HORUS on here <_ name is horus. i did not capitalize it myself he>


On the other hand, politics is a no.


@Dranzer: I do not believe they ARE Myths. And DMG, before you give your rebuttal, Miracles are more credible as your magicky-mumbo-jumbo. Heck, I was saved by one, twice.

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I did the heart softening, and Rosie changed her mind. I did a binding, the "victim" left me alone (Which the binding was supposed to do) I aided in a curse, the victim, as far as I know, suffered. Thus far, I'm 3 for 3.


Golden Calf...don't remember that story...


Now, as far as I know, those things that you said, were in the golden age of Catholicism, and you know how I feel about that.


I do NOT worship Lucifer, and there is no reason for you to think I said I do. I Despise him. I told you thus.

And, Marsuvees, I think you missed the point. The reason I said that is because it is such a radical difference in view from what most people grow up with. Most Christians think Hecate is false, because that's what they're taught. And they accept it. Without ever once thinking for themselves.

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lol i cant be wiccan cuz im to obssessed with death, i have a salem friend but i cant talk to her cuz schools out >_< (hint hint.) im not christian cuz i dont believe in God, im not a satan worship. If you ask for my opinion of religion, all of them have there flaws.

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Actually' date=' there is no better place to talk about Religion, IMO. PErfect place to spread the Gospel, doncha think? Especially with people like HORUS on here <_ name is horus. i did not capitalize it myself he>



@DMG: No, those are still miracles. You just did a little thingummy. They can be miracles, or acts of Satan one.


You mentioned Satanism's view of Satan, my mistake. Also, note, Lucifer is a man assigned name.


PAul said to Forsake other Gods, as did John, Peter, MAtthew, Jesus(!), and others.

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Technically, you ninja'd me, because I opened this page and reas a Webcomic before you posted, THEN came back and replied without refreshing.


Besides, what do I say to that? I can't beat you with the Bible and say "BELIEVE IN GOD OR ELSE!" IT does not work like that.

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"Do what thou will, Harm none." That's the first law of The Craft.


And, anyone who thinks all Pentagrams are evil, obviously is one of those people who really annoy me. (AKA, the ones who insist on talking about things which they know nothing about.)


@Maru: I don't care who gave him the name "Lucifer" that's what I'm calling him. it's either that or "Nephastopholese" for me, and I don't know how to spell it correctly, thus I'm not using it.

Magic. If it were miracles and just coincidence that I had done something, well, may I introduce the team Gibbs philosophy? There is no such thing as a coincidence.

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I know, pentagrams arent evil unless they are the 2 points facing up (iv actually researched that) and the 1st law of Wiccan is why i cant be Wiccan. Im violent sometimes, and tend do hurt myself which emotionally hurts others and i would end up using magick for wrong-doing while i was mad, therefore also breaking the 1st law.

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I admit, I know little on the subject of Pentagrams and the like. I just know the upside-down pentagram is a sign of evil, and I just call the rightside-up one a star. I also admit I know little about Wiccans.


Also, I found a flaw in your story and code.


"Do what thou will' date=' Harm none." That's the first law of The Craft.


I aided in a curse' date=' the victim, as far as I know, suffered.



Those contradict, do they not?


And that one is NOT a miracle. The others are miracles, as magic does NO good works.

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Seriously, Ecchi. At least DL and his NaruKushi fetish are not here. DL and his talking V*****! Nothing could be neater, nothing could be finer! If he were a chair, he'd be a recliner. DL and his talking V*****! That's me! Und don't forget me!

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