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Akatsuki of YCM


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Don't believe what you read in the Enquirer How else would you know for a fact they found anything over there? And, I'm aware prices have gone up. Why? Because we're sending oil over to Iraq to fuel the machines over there, and thus theres less oil for domestic use. And, I maintain my theory that the war is just for the purposes of capturing Iraqi oil.

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And I maintain if we wanted oil, we could drill freaking Alaska! It has more oil than the middle East!


I've never read the enqirer in my life. What I read was a study of an Iraq Documentary, with the yellowtape ommitted from it, after being shipped from Niger, and telling the populace it was all a lie.


Oh, so, we just bombed ourselves on 911? Riiiiiiiiight

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Well you please quit calling it "Yellow Cake" and trusting your little documentary on a documentary or whatever and start listening to Uncle who was right there in the war, who left the military after the five hundredth time he told them right where to find Bin Laden and they did nothing?


AKA: Unlike you, I have access to a guy with first-hand information

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Oh, really? My dad is an E9. PRetty high in the ranks. He has YET to leave the army. I have first-hand info, but my dad ACTUALLY OBEYS THE LAW. They are not allowed to say classified info, duh. So, he tells me thing s when he can.


Let us see... Clinton had Bin Laden directly in front of some of our Black Ops, in a cave, DEFINITELY in there. Bin Laden claimed to have Children in there, without any proof, and Cliunton said "LET'S BELIEVE HIM!" and pulled out. There were no kids.

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Brandon follows the law. All he told us is that he left the military because he was tired of telling those higher-up exactly where to find Bin Laden, and then they do nothing. I do believe that's okay.


Now, uh, again, how do you know that? Was your dad there? Maybe. But, what would you have done? Risked it? And if they left, how do you know there weren't any kids? Were you there? Or was that in your study on a documentary as well?


From what I can tell, it seems to me that Clinton actually has emotions, unlike Marine. Also unlike Marine, when Clinton is told someone is holding kids hostage, Clinton doesn't rush in anyway guns blazing. Marine would have done that. And if there were kids, and they were killed by him, when asked about it, he'd say: "Well, Bin Laden's dead. Who cares?"

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I doubt he found him repeatedly, or he would be dead. Then again... We DID elect Obama and Bush... Why did we lose Reagen?!


They checked after the fact and found no indications that chldren had been there.


The documentary was filmed by a media couple, and was shown to make the war look like it was futile.


Someone did a study later, on said documentary, and talked to Nigerian officials and other people about the yellow cake, who admitted its existence and being sent to IRAQ.


This is on IRAQ not OSAMA, get your facts straight, and stop being a prick.


And let's just end this. Agree to disagree.



Well that proves alot.Like wich head Clinton uses.


So I wanted to know the reason for the war in Iraq.


Supposedly finding Nuclear Weapons.

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Look, Housein is dead, our military and government is full of sixteenth-wits, and I ask you again, if you were told that someone had child captives, what would you do? Would you rush in anyway, or would you actually act like you have emotions and not risk it? Housein is dead, they had multiple chances to catch Bin Laden within the last several years, and we both agree that they don't have nuclear weapons. (The documentary may have shown that the war was futile, thus it lost support, then the study was staged to make it seem like it was worth something, in the hopes of having it regain support.) But we both agree that they can't use them anymore. So, any idiot could figure out they aren't there for the reasons they say they are. What else is over there that they could possibly want? One thing, and one thing only: Since I doubt we're over there to kidnap their girl-children, oil is the only thing left.

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The only good Government is MArxist, but that is impossible to have, due to imperfect humans. No, not Communist, Marxist, which is the original, and true, communism.


DMG, you don't grasp the concept of "Agree to disagree" do you?


And there was some, you just blindly follow the media like a sheep.

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This, coming from the guy who missed this:


(The documentary may have shown that the war was futile' date=' thus it lost support, then the study was staged to make it seem like it was worth something, in the hopes of having it regain support.)



I do grasp it. But, Dray's asking questions. I'm giving answers. And, really, I rarely pay attention to the media. And, if I was so easily swayed, I wouldn't follow a mesh religion of Christianity and Paganism.

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Christianity Paganism mesh? that's not a Christian, at all, that's a pure Pagan.


It's to find Nuclear Weapons. We found Yellow Cake' date=' although it is disputed.


@DG: AGREE TO DISAGREE! I would send a team IN to kill him, instead of blowing up where he was.



We did not find it' date=' because it was not there. Even if we did find it, we've been there for what? Ten years, give or take a couple? Don't you think we'd have managed to find whatever they had by now?



MY reply took a more subjective approach, that's fine. Yours was opinionated, not fine, so your argument of educating him is flawed.

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No, it's not. It takes elements of Paganism and weaves them into Christianity. You don't know what elements they are, thus you show how reliable you are.


And how is that opinionated? It's basic logic that if you spend ten years in one place, if theres something there, you're going to find it. If one person searches through one room for 20 minutes, by that time, he'd have found everything in it, no matter how well hidden. If 20,000 people search through and area proportionately larger, it makes sense that in a short amount of time, between them, they'd have found everything in that area. Now, I don't know about the proportions of my example, and I guarantee there's a better one out there, but don't you think that in the amount of time we've been there, we'd have accomplished whatever was there?


And you're following a study on a documentary. A study. You said you'd read it, meaning that it isn't videoed. That says to me it could just as easily have been a War Monger with a word processor. Prove to me that it isn't, and maybe I'll be somewhat swayed by it.


I actually hate the media. I could easily re-create 9/10 of the crap they give. Why would they want to stage those things? Simple. No news, no news broadcasts, no job, no money. Then they'd have to actually get a real job.

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