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Akatsuki of YCM


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[spoiler=the app for the fight]

Name: Leo Gabriev


Age: looks 18 but is actually a lot older. you know how things go in the soul society. XD


Appearance: Athletic build, blue eyes, waist length blond hair.


Zanpakuto Description: The first state, Shikai [|] Kumori Ouja (Shadow King). [|] invocation: Unleash the Sea of Chaos. [|] Basically a cross between the z-saber and soul caliber giant sword that has a missing section in the middle that is filled with energy when activated and has jagged edges that look like sharp teeth and circles that look like eyes near the hilt with one back end of the triangular blade going farther back then the other.

The second state, Bankai [|] Kumori Ouja no Kuragari (Shadow King of Darkness. [|] invocation: Devour the light. (or just say Bankai if already in Shikai)[|] I need a picture to help describe this one.


Just imagine that the 2 heads rest on the shoulders and are facing forward with there not being a third state omega in the claws of the behemoth and you'll get the basic idea. Also, I turn into this.


Third State: Second Bankai [|] Kumori Ouja Sona Shinen [|] Invocation: Bring all of creation to an end.

The second state Bankai is as follows.


One for Darkness, on for light. They are able to wield their respective elements in their purest form. Also, they can combine the elements that they wield to form a new 'shadow' element that can go through walls and has a certain amount of auto-targeting capability. they also have the ability to merge into one being in order to use an element of this world, i.e. water, etc. Their form depends upon the element. He can also combine two elements into one to form a new element, i.e. Fire + Water/Ice = Cold Fire

Element changing invocation: Konva-to. (convert)

Combining two elements into one: Tsuin Konva-jon. (twin conversion)

Hollow Mask: basically just imagine what zeros helmet looks like in the zero series and imagine that the ridges on the side and top extend several more inches and that it looks like the hollow mask and you'll get the idea. <.< XD

Personality: easy going, random at times, but with a considerable serious streak when it comes to fighting. usually just likes to chill and talk, but you don't want to get in his way on the field of battle.

Bio: having been attacked from hollows that infiltrated the soul society from an early age, he has grown to wield great prowess in battle. he has the ability to draw upon the spiritual pressure around him like the quincies, but like the soul reapers also has an internal reserve of spiritual pressure.



And that's it. I started editing for capitalization, but stopped since I ionly have a little time left for posting.

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Again there is no second Bankai. Plus, I never watched whatever anime that is and so your description must be clear cut, other wise you can take advantage of some things.


Also, if you want me to show you an app I made and then just fight that's fine too. I probably won't use your app though as a basis.


DMG ur too funny

Imma transcend the Neo form and discover a whole new power

I love how my 6-star promotion is a bigger deal than el make's and DL's was xD

tho thats probly cuz DL didnt expect it so soon and el make didnt notice :/


You'll all want to see mine. I might actually get a name change too along with my avi change.

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[spoiler=Fusion's Super Flantabulous 5000th post]

Today, I have accomplished what I previously thought was impossible, becoming a 6-star member. I have changed so much as a YCM member, and grew from a noob to an adequate cardmaker. I've also made many new friends in Akatsuki of YCM, which could be said to be the major factor in how I've stayed for so long. I even joined the Chibi Knights and am finding my place there now that I was made a Lieutenant! And now the best part...

*The planet rumbles as I gather power*

*Appearance turns to negative colors*


Now I can fully use the effects from my ultimate move, the Negative Zone, in hand-to-hand combat! It's funny, I never thought I would become a full-time member here. My first username was actually notdointhis16 because I was embarrassed by joining a site centered around making children's trading cards. But I came to realize that wasn't all YCM had to offer, plus other people were embarrassed about it too! So thanks to all my good friends here, let's keep having fun and enjoy the future whether on YCM or in real life 8)


As you guessed, I pre-wrote it, wanted it to be meaningful.

DL come back D:

Ninjew get a cool name

Oh and I got a new avi for the occasion :D

Imma add a new title too

All is good in the world of Fusion

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Very nice and *claps for you*


May one day you actually get the 7th star by becoming a mod.


thanks' date=' tho that will never happen

if that ever happens...I may never be able to leave this site 0.0

Fuse, I think you may have accidentally used a pre-used avi. I seem to remember you having that one before...


Jew: I think you should get a name change to the one name that works for every living thing on the planet: "Steve"


nope, u may have remembered seeing DL post it in here when I was looking for a specific avi, and I decided to use it


and thanks Dranzer!

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