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Akatsuki of YCM


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Lee said before he fought Sasuke I think, to try to woo Sakura or something. Also when he arrived to fight off the Sound Trio that attack Team 7 in the Forest of Death.


Also I have not heard of it, but I'll read it up. Says that its mainly RESISTANCE. As in a worker refusing to perform a task, or a child refusing a certain order from a parent. Speaking Calmly and Speaking his mind is NOT Passive Aggression. He doesn't show disobedience when he speaks that way.

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one sign of passive aggression

Fear of intimacy as a means to act out anger: The passive aggressive often cannot trust. Because of this, they guard themselves against becoming intimately attached to someone.

"Love only myself, fight only for myself." Even his name. the literal translation of the three Kanji is "Self Loving Carnage"



Before the Chunnin exams, we see him staring at the moon, can't remember the expression on his face, but pretty sure he wasn't smiling joyously.

Fear of dependency

Not sure on this, but he uses fear to control Temari and Kankuro. Not sure if this proves he possesses fear of dependency himself, but he definitely doesn't want to be dependent on anyone


There are 10 signs of Passive-Aggressive behavior. Can't think of any more examples, but these are 3. And no, a Passive-Aggressive person won't always display all of them. Does this mean Gaara is Passive-Aggressive? No, but I'd say its more than likely he is.

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1. I can't disregard that.

2. I guess, but his expression showed no emotion whatsoever, however he did show silence, which is part of sulking.

3. Fear of Dependency means he fears depending on others. He doesn't do this, he doesn't exactly depend on anyone but himself to be honest.

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Sure why not. The only reason I argued was because of the no offense to be honest, unjust reasons of dislike towards Lee. I mean "Stealing Eyebrows", "No use of Contractions", "Bowl Cut", and "Spandex Suit" are really superficial reasons to dislike him, sorry.

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Not just that, but his voice is annoying, and so is his personality. Plus, he isn't really all that original. He has all the same Tai Jutsu as Guy. I have no problem with idolizing someone, and maybe even modeling yourself after them, but Lee takes it too far. Nothing about him is original, He's a Miniature Guy! Leaf Hurricane, Dynamic Entry, Hidden and Primary Lotus, Nothing this kid does is his own! Kakashi does the same thing, but at least he has his own personality. and he didn't copy Chidori from anyone, he just figured it out...according to him and Guy...

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I only listed the reasons I find superficial, the others are fine since they're based on your opnions and abit less on his physical appearance.


Fusion already said Lee made an appearance before Guy. No matter how you look at it, he was the FIRST in the series to have shown those moves. Except Dynamic Entry. You can't blame him though, he has no Ninjutsu, Dojutsu, Keikei Genkai (However it is spelled.) The only person who really relives this factor of the uselessness in that form is Guy. He was the only one who cared for Lee when he was young. If you haven't noticed, Lee is also abit more Traditional, atleast in movies. Using Nun-Chucks and such. Also, in the games, his moves are alot more original. Such as the Dance of Infinity or something. But then again, the UN Series always did overexaggerate and made up stuff. Kakashi is awesome, but he does model his own motto and Way of the Ninja off of Obito and his Father, both who put the sake of their teammates before the sake of the mission. Finally, being a Prodigy at Drunken Fist puts him over Guy in my opinion. I mean, fighting in a Handstand Position is amazing, he fought at Normal Kimimaro's Level.

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Name (or what you want to be called in this organization)- Kari

Why you want to join- Eh I likeh the narutos

What village do you want to be in (we need variety!)- Vilage Hiden behind the flames.

I'm sorry that is not a village. Did you mean: Village Hidden in the Leaves?



Lets all discuss the smexiness of my avi I found lol.

I busted out laughing when I saw it and read the title.

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Ummm Earth Vilage.Cuz it's just like the Middle East(Lol no offence Sora.I'm not sure if you carry guns).The leader is mad and you can't make two steps without falling into a terrorist.


Did you notice I gave you 3 reps and 20 or so points?


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