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Akatsuki of YCM


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Noooo, naruto will end up with either hinata or sakura-chan, bakano! (I add no at the end of japanese talk, like dattebayo, remember that for future reference)

imagine if kishi does completely unexpected couples a.k.a crack pairings

like NaruKarin, GaaHina, LeeIno, NejiTema, ShikaCho, SasuNaru 0_0

why do people believe in crack pairings? I kinda understand ones that were hinted at being canon like NaruHina, NaruSaku, ShikaTema, GaaMatsu (anime-only), NejiTen or LeeTen, etc. but not crack pairings

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Noooo' date=' naruto will end up with either hinata or sakura-chan, bakano! (I add no at the end of japanese talk, like dattebayo, remember that for future reference)

imagine if kishi does completely unexpected couples a.k.a crack pairings

like NaruKarin, GaaHina, LeeIno, NejiTema, [b']ShikaCho[/b], SasuNaru 0_0

why do people believe in crack pairings? I kinda understand ones that were hinted at being canon like NaruHina, NaruSaku, ShikaTema, GaaMatsu (anime-only), NejiTen or LeeTen, etc. but not crack pairings

What...the hell...have you been smoking.


NejiTen and ShikaTem FTW.

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No, the best pairing in the world: GaaHina. Don't argue, 'cause you really can't.


GaaHina FTEFW!


So, anyway...

Noooo' date=' naruto will end up with either hinata or sakura-chan, bakano! (I add no at the end of japanese talk, like dattebayo, remember that for future reference)

imagine if kishi does completely unexpected couples a.k.a crack pairings

like NaruKarin, GaaHina, LeeIno, NejiTema, [b']ShikaCho, SasuNaru[/b] 0_0

why do people believe in crack pairings? I kinda understand ones that were hinted at being canon like NaruHina, NaruSaku, ShikaTema, GaaMatsu (anime-only), NejiTen or LeeTen, etc. but not crack pairings


Is there something you'd like to tell us?

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guys those were CRACK pairings, geez

and for those who don't know, those are pairings that make no sense at all

and no DL, Sasuke wants to kill Naruto, even if SasuNaru was canon (no chance in hell) itd be one-sided

Id say NaruHina wud be the most likely, but Kishi has ignored Hinata for over 40 chaps so....yea

so NaruSaku is in lead I think, some may say ShikaTema, but kishi in his 2010 interview says he's not interested in romance for shikamaru

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itd be too OOC (no shut up, Im serious) I think Sasuke isn't interested in romance at all, meaning uchiha clan shud be extinct by the series end (unless Sasuke lives, but I doubt he'll start a family)

personally i prefer NaruSaku, but if NaruHina happens, Im fine with that cuz it makes sense

if a pairing makes sense, then i dont argue

no offense DMG, but Gaara and Hinata have had zero interaction and completely different personalities, no chance in hell of happening

o hey, how is ShikaTema supposed to work anyway? they live in separate villages and I cant picture either of them moving to another village

I wonder if Ino will find someone who can deal with her high-maintenance personality..

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then it's not SasuNaru, Sasuke has to be willing to comply, and besides, Naruto loves Sakura, Sasuke's like his brother, u cud think of it as a little kid trying to save his big brother (Sasuke's older by few months)

isnt that sorta wat Sasuke is doing, trying to restore his clan in Itachi's name or remembrance (which im sure isnt what he shud be doing)?

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Crazy laughter was seen coming miles away.


El Make's probably having another friday adventure...


I want someone to glomp...


*glomps Fusion*


There, I'm happy.


Anyway, who knows? We all know Naruto and Sasuke CAN be bi.

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then that one romance shud be NaruHina or NaruSaku, or something that wont cause fanboys to riot and kill kishi

and before u say fangirls outnumber fanboys, it may seem that way cuz we see fanart and outspoken opinions online, but that's only a part of the entire Naruto fanbase that doesnt go online, so there's most likely more fanboys than fangirls

so Kishi wont make SasuNaru happen

good sig, thas cool that Hayate makes pop culture references lol

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sure they do DL, in the world population

naruto's a shonen manga, targeted at younger boys (no homo) the reason I'm into it at age of 16 is cuz Ive been reading it since I was 11 and got hooked, if I were to start reading it now, I might not have feel so keen to it

trust me, more people will hate SasuNaru than the people that love it-FACT

ah thas cool Une, track's been working me too

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