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Akatsuki of YCM


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Appearance: kou.jpg

C-rank jutsu - Water Whirpool (Like Leaf Hurricane, but reverse order of kicks)

Water Style - Hidden Mist Jutsu


B-rank jutsu - Ice Style - Ice prison jutsu (entraps opponent in a sphere of ice that is unbreakable from the inside, but breaks if hit from the outside.)

Water Style - Water clone jutsu


A-rank jutsu - Water Style - Water demon jutsu (Not actual demon, just makes user stronger and enhanced control of water. Kirigan needed to activate)

Water Style: Water world jutsu (creates a giant sphere of water that is closed off from the outside world around user that only dissipates if user loses conciousness or breaks the jutsu)

Water Style - Water blade jutsu (Creates a sword made from water pressure)


S-rank jutsu - Water Style - Water Palm (user's hand is sorrounded by water, and water begins to rotate rapidly around palm. User strikes opponent with open palm, then the water pressure hits the opponent and sends them flying)


Bloodline trait/Kekegenkai: Kirigan (allows some control over water, even without using jutsu)

Clan based jutsu: Water Demon jutsu (Not actual demon, just makes user stronger and enhanced control of water. Kirigan needed to activate)

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Fusion, nice! DL, isn't that your RP app?


Kekegenkai- Raikuz (Eye jutsu, enhances Lightning based jutsu and acts like a weak Sharingan)


Jutsu- Bunch of lightning styles like Electromagnet Murderer, 4 Pillar Blind, ect.

Chidori (only with Raikuz but uses a lot of chakra so only use in dire situation)

Wind style jutsus.....


Sage Mode (requires Shadow Clones, only useable for 5 minutes each day, and pwnage with Kekegenkai)

Rasengan (only in Sage Mode)

Sage Tech: Rasenrangan

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I did put alot of thought into mine... and alot of effort... now I will add a 2nd character, which I think is also awesomez.


Name: Mizune Ikako

Aliance: Akatsuki

Appearance: sakuraakatsuki.jpg?t=1258923068


C - Magen: Engun wo Tatakau [Demonic Illusion: Reinforcements for the Fight]

The user creates an illusion that a number of shinobi from his village have come to aid him in his fight using those who he knows as a template for the illusions. These shinobi can not actually create any physical damage however.


B - Kunai Shigure no Jutsu [Rain of Kunai Technique]

This genjutsu is a form of false trap to create openings for your own attacks and is of the sight nature. The user initiates the genjutsu causing multiple kunai to appear and rain down on the opponent as if he had set off a trap. There is no limit to the kunai number, the directions are controlled completely by the user.


Maukai Yuka no Jutsu [breaking Floor Technique]

The user will make the appearance that the floor beneath his enemy is quickly decaying before him. This will make the opponent un-balanced due to the fact that he thinks that he is always falling.


A - Chissoku [suffocation]

This jutsu mimics the effects of smoke from a fire. It makes the victim feel like they have inhaled too much smoke, and are suffocating. Breathing becomes very difficult; every breath is strained.


Niseshi no Gijutsu [Art of Fake Death]

This genjutsu only works while being attacked by an opponent with something deadly. The genjutsu uses the last attack and creates am image where the user fails to finish creating a jutsu in time making the attack look like a success and completely killing the user.


S - Fuhen no Moegara no Jutsu [Eternal Embers Technique]

The user will make the opponent feel like they are completely surrounded by fire. This will make the enemy scream and yell in pain as his body feels as if it is slowly being ripped apart by the flames. This jutsu activates every pain sensor in the target’s body, making them feel more pain than would be possibly by any other method.


Bloodline trait/Kekegenkai: Genkai

Clan based jutsu: Genjutsu -

Unique Ability: Ability to copy almost any Genjutsu she experiences.

Weapons: Shuriken that always comes back to its owner.

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5 minutes is alot, man... face it...


most fights don't even last that long. They seem to because of all the flashbacks and speeches, but an actual fight will noly last like 7-10 minutes MAX.


And you're not gonna use sage mode from the beginning, are you?

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Kekkei Genkai: My clan's bodies "adapt" to certain circumstances they're in, like a type of sharingan, but it's more like your actual body evolves naturally in order to be capable to perform different jutsu, which is how we can use 3 or more natures for jutsu, but it takes time. It's called Tekigouran. (tekigou in japanese is "adaptable")


Taijutsu: Occasionally will use shadow clones, but it's risky for my low stamina, so mostly I use wind currents to add more of a punch to my moves and with weapons like Danzo's Wind Kunai Blade


Genjutsu: Only genjutsu I can make is basic clone jutsu and then altering their appearance for distractions


Fire Ninjutsu: Fireball Jutsu, Dragon Flame Jutsu, Phoenix Flower Jutsu, Dragon Flame Bomb, and one developed by Tekigouran when I was stranded in a snow storm for days=I can envelop myself in flame, but it burns my clothes, so I have to wear non-flammable underwear -_- but it acts like a shield and keeps me impervious to the elements.


Wind Ninjutsu: All the "Vacuum" jutsu, I infuse wind chakra in weapons and my body to increase my offensive strength.


Lightning Jutsu: I learned the Chidori from sparring with Killerbee so many times in my village, I can only infuse my hand with lightning chakra however


Water Jutsu: My teammate uses water jutsu and spars with me constantly, teaching me Water Shark Bomb Jutsu. He's also tried to teach me the Water Dragon jutsu, but 44 handseals is too much to memorize -_-


Unique Jutsu: I gather wind chakra and wind currents in my palm and try to make it into a makeshift rasengan, but only lasts for a few seconds before it dissipates

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Naruto vs Sasuke was longer than 10 minutes! You may not think so but it was...


And I'd only use Sage Mode if there was no other way to win or I was trying to end it quickly... say to, idk.... rescue a friend that was turning to the darkness?


Edit: Nice thing Fusion, but really? Killerbee?

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Actually, I posted at the same time you did, so,



The naruto vs. Sasuke fight lasted longer than 10 minutes because they both had like 3 different forms... (I count gaining new bauble to sharingan as another form)


and haha very funny

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What? It is very likely you could get bitten by some snake dude and walk a path of evil which I have to save you from while I leave some of my closest friends behind to distract enemies which stand in our way so we each get epic fight scenes in which we totally pwn even though we suck after that arc..... yeah!

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True, though... could happen... but what are the chances? And you'll never beat me for the sole reason that Akama does not lose. Ever.


He only lost once.


and then he trained to master the water demon jutsu to become stronger.


He lost once more.


He began top train in taijutsu and developed an awesome genjutsu which I think I forgot to list.

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And then he got the curse mark and I chased after you and we fought in the Valley of the End where our 2 signature jutsus clashed and I failed to bring you back which resulted in this short tempered pink haired girl crying so I went off and trained for 2 and a half years to rescue you even though there was no chance of you letting go your revenge on your brother who murdered your entire family....


I've never heard such a smart thing before in my life Fusion!

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