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Club OTW remake.

Shadow Zero

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Sadly, the original creator of the OTW thread did something that got him a one year ban. as such, it is beholden upon me to recreate it in my own image. do not despair. it shall be the same, just a few small differences. anyway, we must first lay some ground rules.

1: all YCM rules apply.

2: please show respect. we don't need people here who only wish to flame, spam, or troll. and on that note...

3: no spamming, trolling, or flaming. period. spamming gets a warning, flaming gets 3.


now that i've laid out the ground rules, here's how the warning system is going to work.

this is a 5 warning system. each warning consists of 20% your alloted warning ratio. if you get a warning, then it will look like 1/5 or 20% warning next to your nick on the members list. those who get a 5/5 or 100% warning will get an automatic 4 day ban from this thread. no exceptions.


i'm sorry if there are those of you who are offended by this. all i can say is, if you really are offended by this, then just find a thread where they might be more lenient, because i shall stand by my words.

and now a few pages worth of stuff. please keep in mind that since this is a remake, all of the members, topics, of the weeks, etc. can be found here, since the previous thread will be soon locked. i sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay. :mrgreen:


Club OtW[/align][align=center]Name pending


Club OtW[/align][/b][align=center]


[align=center][spoiler=Club Banner + Code]65723923z.jpg









Club OtW will host a Halloween contest, composing of card making, RP-ing, and little kid scaring. More info on the 30th.


10-30-09 - 11-6-09

Since nobody is suggesting anything, both YCMember of the Week and Of the Week Member of the Week are deleted until next week. I need to see some input people!!


11-1-09 - 11-14-09

It seems, due to minor spamming, I have a 70% warning. This means I won't be able to be my "spammy" self. If I do happen to get banned, Kari and Shadow will share rank #1.



I added an "Awards" section so that more people will get involved in the club. Have fun collecting them all!




[spoiler=Affiliations][spoiler=Club Pikachu]pikachu_copy.png


[spoiler=The Megaverse Club]dz6o36.jpg





[spoiler=[b]Topic of the Week[/b]]Awards




[spoiler=[size=large]Awards[/size]][spoiler=YCMember of the Week]2m5nhqg.jpg

Be YCMember of the Week



Be promoted


[spoiler=OtW Member of the Week]egzvyp.jpg

Be OtW Member of the Week


[spoiler=I Choose You!]1zdveko.jpg

Have one of your suggestions make it as a Of the Week


[spoiler=Clone Remnants of Us]2jzmso.jpg

Have 3 or more of your suggestions make it as a Of the Week


[spoiler=The Perfect Member]dophnd.jpg

Be YCMember of the Week and OtW Member of the Week, in the same week


[spoiler=Best All-Around]vxd6o.jpg

Be OtW Member of the Week and YCMember of the Week, in different weeks





[spoiler=[color=blue]FAQ's[/color]]What this club is mostly about?

It's mostly posting what everyone thinks is the best card/combo/lots of other stuff of the week. It's also obviously a club, mainly so more people will get involved.


Why should I join?

Because you love me. Also because once we have enough members we can start tournaments and RP's.


What are all of the "of the weeks"?

I doubt I could name them all, but:



Members (of YCM)

Members (of this club)

Character (in various animes)

Person (famous)

There will probably be more, and I'll add them when they come up.


What can we discuss?

Pretty much anything. We usually don't stay on 1 specific topic(The Topic of the Week), but since I've been warned by the Mods to keep the spam to a minimum, we kinda have to. Although, you are allowed to go slightly off-topic for a short amount of time. But please, try hard to stay on topic.


What's the "Other" section in the sign-up sheet?

Just anything else you wanna tell me that doesn't fit into any of the other categories.


When do the new "Of the Weeks" come in?

Every Friday they are changed. Sometimes a day or too off, and in that case the day is changed next week.


What are the benifits of being YCMember or "Of the Week" member of the week?

YCMember of the week gets 1 rep, by me, every day until it is changed. "Of the Week" member of the Week gets 3 reps and the "Prize of the Week".


Those are just some of the questions I thought you might ask, and I'll add more once they are asked.



[align=center][spoiler=Ranks]Ranks are ordered from most powerful to least[spoiler=Owner(s)][spoiler=Rights]All

Niashi Inumaki


[spoiler=Co-Owner(s)][spoiler=Rights]All except demotion and perma-ban

Max ban time is 2 days





[spoiler=Leader(s)][spoiler=Rights]All except demotion, promotion, and perma-ban

Max ban time is 1 day


Master Remo


[spoiler=Co-Leader(s)][spoiler=Rights]All except demotion, promotion, and perma ban

Max ban time is 12 hours



[spoiler=Seeker(s)][spoiler=Rights]Accepting members and 1 hour bans



[spoiler=Scout(s)][spoiler=Rights]Accepting members





[align=center][spoiler=[color=brown]Club Sign-Up Sheet[/color]]Name:

Favorite Card:

Favorite Anime:

Favorite Character From That Anime:





[spoiler=[color=darkred]Members[/color]]The design is like this: Name - Fav Card - Fav Anime, Fav char. from that anime




Niashi Inumaki - Cyber Jar - Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki


FallenFanel21 - Black Rose Dragon - Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Akiza


shadowferret - Toon World - Read or Die, Yomiko Readman


comanderikari - Silver Fang - When They Cry Higurashi/Elfen Lied, Lucy


Jigglypuff - Chthonian Emperor Dragon - N/A


shadowzero - Elemental Hero Electrum - Slayers, Beast Master Xellos


820reborn - Kuraz the Light Monarch - Yu-gi-oh, Sartorius


Glass - Majestic Star Dragon - Naruto, The 4th Hokage(AKA:Minato Namikaze)


Bassa2 - Rainbow Dragon - Yu-gi-oh GX, Yubel


Twin Seed - Wicked Dreadroot - Naruto, Neji Hyuga


Łεσ™ - Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon - Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Leo & Rua


MasterRemo - N/A - Naruto, Itachi Uchiha


Namo™ - Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - Yu-gi-oh GX, Yusuke Fujiwara


Pikachu - Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Pokemon, Pikachu


axrider625 - Montage Dragon - Dragonball Z, Gogeta


Lk123 - Dark Strike Fighter - Death Note, Light Yagami


Mr.Rune - Baby Dragon - Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki


Andx - Zombie World - One Piece, Luffy


Charmander - Power Tool Dragon - Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Rua


DemonX - Infernal Flame Emporer - Bleach, Ichigo


Akira - Plaguespreader Zombie - Street Fighter, Akuma


Lexadin - Headless Knight - Shinzo, Lanancuras


zeroin666 - Chaos Emperor Dragon: Envy of The End - Naruto, Sasuke Uchiha


Kira the Ultimate Force - Exodd, Master of Guard - Death Note, L


Shoop Da Whoop King - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning - Yugioh, Yugi


Kamanosuke - Dark Magician - Katekyo Hitman Reborn / Lucky Star, Lambo / Konata





[spoiler=[color=orange]Banned List[/color]]


[spoiler=[color=orange]Banned List[/color]]




The "Of the Weeks"



[align=center][spoiler=Card of the Week]LightEndDragonRGBT-EN-ScR-1E.jpg

Picked by:Niashi Inumaki

Reason:A very interesting card...discuss it.





[spoiler=Combo of the Week (none this week)]

Picked by:N/A

How it works:N/A





[spoiler=Anime Character of the Week]Copy%20of%201113944791_resDMG0003.jpg

Name:Dark Magician Girl


Chosen by:Niashi Inumaki






[spoiler=[s]YCMember of the Week[/s]]







[spoiler=[s]Of the Week Member of the Week[/s]]







[spoiler=Celebrity of the Week]NO PICTURE

Name:Herman & Sam

Reason:The Dragonforce guitarists.





[spoiler=Fail of the Week]208x228_Oldfag-Lion-oldfag-lion-doesnt-afraid-of-new-memes-she-EPIN-b.jpg

Picked by:Niashi Inumaki






[spoiler=Video of the Week (NONE)]

Chosen by:





[spoiler=Picture of the Week (SAME)]coolest.thumbnail.jpg

Picked by:Niashi Inumaki





[spoiler=Quote of the Week (SAME)]

You're a girl?


Show him your bewbs and he'll run back to you.


Picked by:Niashi Inumaki





[spoiler=Suggestions](PIC) DemonX - http://i37.tinypic.com/29muouh.jpg


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Sadly, the original creator of the OTW thread did something that got him a one year ban. as such, it is beholden upon me to recreate it in my own image. do not despair. it shall be the same, just a few small differences. anyway, we must first lay some ground rules.

1: all YCM rules apply.

2: please show respect. we don't need people here who only wish to flame, spam, or troll. and on that note...

3: no spamming, trolling, or flaming. period. spamming gets a warning, flaming gets 3.


now that i've laid out the ground rules, here's how the warning system is going to work.

this is a 5 warning system. each warning consists of 20% your alloted warning ratio. if you get a warning, then it will look like 1/5 or 20% warning next to your nick on the members list. those who get a 5/5 or 100% warning will get an automatic 4 day ban from this thread. no exceptions.


i'm sorry if there are those of you who are offended by this. all i can say is, if you really are offended by this, then just find a thread where they might be more lenient, because i shall stand by my words.

and now a few pages worth of stuff. please keep in mind that since this is a remake, all of the members, topics, of the weeks, etc. can be found here, since the previous thread will be soon locked. i sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay. :mrgreen:


Club OtW[/align][align=center]Name pending

Club OtW[/align][/b][align=center]


[align=center][spoiler=Club Banner + Code]65723923z.jpg







Club OtW will host a Halloween contest, composing of card making, RP-ing, and little kid scaring. More info on the 30th.


10-30-09 - 11-6-09

Since nobody is suggesting anything, both YCMember of the Week and Of the Week Member of the Week are deleted until next week. I need to see some input people!!


11-1-09 - 11-14-09

It seems, due to minor spamming, I have a 70% warning. This means I won't be able to be my "spammy" self. If I do happen to get banned, Kari and Shadow will share rank #1.



I added an "Awards" section so that more people will get involved in the club. Have fun collecting them all!




[spoiler=Affiliations][spoiler=Club Pikachu]pikachu_copy.png


[spoiler=The Megaverse Club]dz6o36.jpg





[spoiler=[b]Topic of the Week[/b]]Awards




[spoiler=[size=large]Awards[/size]][spoiler=YCMember of the Week]2m5nhqg.jpg

Be YCMember of the Week



Be promoted


[spoiler=OtW Member of the Week]egzvyp.jpg

Be OtW Member of the Week


[spoiler=I Choose You!]1zdveko.jpg

Have one of your suggestions make it as a Of the Week


[spoiler=Clone Remnants of Us]2jzmso.jpg

Have 3 or more of your suggestions make it as a Of the Week


[spoiler=The Perfect Member]dophnd.jpg

Be YCMember of the Week and OtW Member of the Week, in the same week


[spoiler=Best All-Around]vxd6o.jpg

Be OtW Member of the Week and YCMember of the Week, in different weeks





[spoiler=[color=blue]FAQ's[/color]]What this club is mostly about?

It's mostly posting what everyone thinks is the best card/combo/lots of other stuff of the week. It's also obviously a club, mainly so more people will get involved.


Why should I join?

Because you love me. Also because once we have enough members we can start tournaments and RP's.


What are all of the "of the weeks"?

I doubt I could name them all, but:



Members (of YCM)

Members (of this club)

Character (in various animes)

Person (famous)

There will probably be more, and I'll add them when they come up.


What can we discuss?

Pretty much anything. We usually don't stay on 1 specific topic(The Topic of the Week), but since I've been warned by the Mods to keep the spam to a minimum, we kinda have to. Although, you are allowed to go slightly off-topic for a short amount of time. But please, try hard to stay on topic.


What's the "Other" section in the sign-up sheet?

Just anything else you wanna tell me that doesn't fit into any of the other categories.


When do the new "Of the Weeks" come in?

Every Friday they are changed. Sometimes a day or too off, and in that case the day is changed next week.


What are the benifits of being YCMember or "Of the Week" member of the week?

YCMember of the week gets 1 rep, by me, every day until it is changed. "Of the Week" member of the Week gets 3 reps and the "Prize of the Week".


Those are just some of the questions I thought you might ask, and I'll add more once they are asked.



[align=center][spoiler=Ranks]Ranks are ordered from most powerful to least[spoiler=Owner(s)][spoiler=Rights]All

Niashi Inumaki


[spoiler=Co-Owner(s)][spoiler=Rights]All except demotion and perma-ban

Max ban time is 2 days





[spoiler=Leader(s)][spoiler=Rights]All except demotion, promotion, and perma-ban

Max ban time is 1 day


Master Remo


[spoiler=Co-Leader(s)][spoiler=Rights]All except demotion, promotion, and perma ban

Max ban time is 12 hours



[spoiler=Seeker(s)][spoiler=Rights]Accepting members and 1 hour bans



[spoiler=Scout(s)][spoiler=Rights]Accepting members





[align=center][spoiler=[color=brown]Club Sign-Up Sheet[/color]]Name:

Favorite Card:

Favorite Anime:

Favorite Character From That Anime:





[spoiler=[color=darkred]Members[/color]]The design is like this: Name - Fav Card - Fav Anime, Fav char. from that anime




Niashi Inumaki - Cyber Jar - Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki


FallenFanel21 - Black Rose Dragon - Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Akiza


shadowferret - Toon World - Read or Die, Yomiko Readman


comanderikari - Silver Fang - When They Cry Higurashi/Elfen Lied, Lucy


Jigglypuff - Chthonian Emperor Dragon - N/A


shadowzero - Elemental Hero Electrum - Slayers, Beast Master Xellos


820reborn - Kuraz the Light Monarch - Yu-gi-oh, Sartorius


Glass - Majestic Star Dragon - Naruto, The 4th Hokage(AKA:Minato Namikaze)


Bassa2 - Rainbow Dragon - Yu-gi-oh GX, Yubel


Twin Seed - Wicked Dreadroot - Naruto, Neji Hyuga


Łεσ™ - Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon - Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Leo & Rua


MasterRemo - N/A - Naruto, Itachi Uchiha


Namo™ - Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - Yu-gi-oh GX, Yusuke Fujiwara


Pikachu - Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Pokemon, Pikachu


axrider625 - Montage Dragon - Dragonball Z, Gogeta


Lk123 - Dark Strike Fighter - Death Note, Light Yagami


Mr.Rune - Baby Dragon - Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki


Andx - Zombie World - One Piece, Luffy


Charmander - Power Tool Dragon - Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Rua


DemonX - Infernal Flame Emporer - Bleach, Ichigo


Akira - Plaguespreader Zombie - Street Fighter, Akuma


Lexadin - Headless Knight - Shinzo, Lanancuras


zeroin666 - Chaos Emperor Dragon: Envy of The End - Naruto, Sasuke Uchiha


Kira the Ultimate Force - Exodd, Master of Guard - Death Note, L


Shoop Da Whoop King - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning - Yugioh, Yugi


Kamanosuke - Dark Magician - Katekyo Hitman Reborn / Lucky Star, Lambo / Konata




[spoiler=[color=orange]Banned List[/color]]

[spoiler=[color=orange]Banned List[/color]]




The "Of the Weeks"


[align=center][spoiler=Card of the Week]LightEndDragonRGBT-EN-ScR-1E.jpg

Picked by:Niashi Inumaki

Reason:A very interesting card...discuss it.





[spoiler=Combo of the Week (none this week)]

Picked by:N/A

How it works:N/A





[spoiler=Anime Character of the Week]Copy%20of%201113944791_resDMG0003.jpg

Name:Dark Magician Girl


Chosen by:Niashi Inumaki






[spoiler=[s]YCMember of the Week[/s]]







[spoiler=[s]Of the Week Member of the Week[/s]]







[spoiler=Celebrity of the Week]NO PICTURE

Name:Herman & Sam

Reason:The Dragonforce guitarists.





[spoiler=Fail of the Week]208x228_Oldfag-Lion-oldfag-lion-doesnt-afraid-of-new-memes-she-EPIN-b.jpg

Picked by:Niashi Inumaki






[spoiler=Video of the Week (NONE)]

Chosen by:





[spoiler=Picture of the Week (SAME)]coolest.thumbnail.jpg

Picked by:Niashi Inumaki





[spoiler=Quote of the Week (SAME)]

You're a girl?


Show him your bewbs and he'll run back to you.

Picked by:Niashi Inumaki





[spoiler=Suggestions](PIC) DemonX - http://i37.tinypic.com/29muouh.jpg


I fixed the quote marks for you.

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he probably means that niashi was getting bored and thus was not paying as close attendtion to his club as he should have. anyway, about that thread of mine, i posted the address for it in the previous old version, but i think you guys missed that. XD anyway, here it is. it is called the shadowverse. please check it out, okay?

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A nice, a non-banned OTW club leader.

Ok I would re-suggest a Anime character of the week.



Name: King Daku(, Lord of the insect Enterans)

Anime: Shinzo

Chosen by: Lexadin

Reason: Becouse he's the first lord the main characters face and, while he's not that strong, he has lots of minions and is a brilliant strategic.

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Card: Double Summon, and I think that you agree.

Combo: 1 level 4 or lower monster + Monster Reborn(or something close, I think that this one's banned) to bring in a high level monster + Double Summon to bring in another level 4 or lower monster.

Character: Zetsu, from Naruto Shippuden.

Celeb: Shinedown, the band, not just 1 person.

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