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amazing 4kids f-ups

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When Marik tries to stab Odion with the Millennium Rod' date=' 4Kids made it look like he was just stroking the shaft of it instead of taking off the cover that hides the hidden point.


Which made it far worse...it was disturbing to watch :S


Episode # pl0x?

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When Marik tries to stab Odion with the Millennium Rod' date=' 4Kids made it look like he was just stroking the shaft of it instead of taking off the cover that hides the hidden point.


Which made it far worse...it was disturbing to watch :S


Episode # pl0x?


It's either 94 or 96...could be both because iirc he tries to stab him twice. I know the episode number of YGOABS in which the original scene is though: Episode 43: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mai

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4kids put sub mesages into yu-gi-oh and pokemon.

play in reverse the first english yugioh theme and yugi says"Don't piss me off".

Go to youtube and search for pokemon sublinal mesages.You'll see Jaims saying "Leo Burnet and 4kids are the devil' date='Leo Burnet".


For some really odd reason that is REALLY hilarious:D

(Must find way to reverse Yu-Gi-Oh theme....)

Ignore that last sentence o.O

Sorry I did not have anything to say T.T

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