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The Surpreme Dueling School(Always Accepting)(PG-13)(Basic)


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Ok this is just a dueling school and you can make your own plot but the priamry plot is that you live like how you would live if you went to a dueling school and also there is a cave that once a student goes in they never come out also the here are the Dorms



Yellow Ra


Bule Obelisk


Red Slifer

Akhiln LeVeon


Now choose your school and go out and be part of the communinty oh also here is the application form






Deck Type:

Favorite Monster:



here is a sample and my application form


Name:Akhiln LeVeon


Personalitiy:Great person to be friends with and no so great if not

Deck Type:A Darkness Deck that weakens enemys then striking them when weakest

Favorite Monster:The Darkness Master

Dorm:Slifer Red

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