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Dimension Clash {Basic} (PG-16) [Accepting(NEED PEOPLE),Started]

Reaper of Shadows

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"Allow me to assist you," A dark red haired figure said. "Smashing Ground!" The wall of rocks disappeared. "My name is Zonixs Truchen," the figure said.



Ze'borova looked at Saruto. "I don't know why you dont have any new abilities, but THIS FEELS WAAAAY BETTER THAN A HOLLOW MASK!" He looked at the figure above them. "Hey dude, what are you?"



OOC: My duelist app.


Affiliation: (Bleach, Naruto, etc): Bleach/Yu Gi OH

Name: Zonixs Truchen

Alliance: (Good, Evil, Neutral): Neutral

Age: 16

Appearance (pic or description):



Bio: (Origin of Abilities, etc): He has had it somewhat hard so he can be heartless (not the creature), but is incredibly nice and personable. He has to go to a special doctor because he release various pheromones that can induce people to be happy, feel high,be friendly, draw attention to him or others, calm everyone down, or get aroused and other things as well. He can control this, but he doesn't over use it. He was studied/experimented in hospitals a lot so he feels somewhat at home in them. He is also great with medical needs. He tries to keep the peace but that doesn't mean he is always peaceful. He is the lost son of Yami/Yugi Moto and is a collector of cards. He carries around a bag full of yugioh cards. He managed to escape from the hospitals he was in and brought a powerful gun on the black market. He used it once to destroy the hospital and cried because he ended killing someone innocent, his best friend, Zirceus. He took up dueling because it was fun and allowed him to have a coping mechanism.


Fusion Abilities: (You can combine abilities from different affiliations : He can control up to a field of yu gi oh cards and he moves them around. When he goes shikai his duel disks becomes more slimmer and blade like. Bankai, His control of the field is doubled and he gains another duel disk. He can make any card that he become real and use them in various ways. He can telepathically control his cards. His accuracy with his gun increase as well as its strength in bankai. The gun appears only in shikai.

Weapons: [(if applicable), (kunai/shuriken, sword (Keyblade, Zanpaktou, etc), etc]: Duel Disks, combo automatic sniper rifle/ pancor jackhammer shotgun (he rarely uses this mostly only when asked to.)


Offense: 100

Defense: 90

Intelligence: 100

Speed/Dexterity: 75

Energy (Chakra, Reitsu, etc): 100

Strength: 65

Total (600/600): 530

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The wall exploded into a milllion pieces throwing Kokoro back. "You could have warned me before you did that" He said getting to his feet and wiping the dust off. Suddenly the wall collapsed and the four fighters stood face to face with Dylan. "Know you made me do it. GUARDIAN SPHYNX" Dylan yelled. The four warriors found themselves once again on the moon with the JLA. "How did we get here?" Kokoro asked himself. Suddenly he felt excrutiating pain in his head and information flooded his mind. "The yugioh card Guardian Sphinx sends your opponents monsters back to their hand. Thus sending us back to our base of opperations." kokoro stopped to take a breath as he stopped giving out those words.

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Teren was angry. "That does it. I am really starting to hate this kid." With that, he places two fingers on his temple. FSHT. He used his instant transmission. "You are really getting on my nerves, kid," he said as he appeared in front of Dylan. "Now, face the consequences." He placed his hands at his hips again. This time, however, he poured all his energy into it. "Kaaaaa...meeee...haaaaa...meeeee...HAAAA!" Energy erupted from his hands in a huge blast of blue/yellow energy.

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Zonixs looked at the Sphinx. "Hmmm ok kid. I play Swords of Concealing Light. Then I play swprds of Revealing Light!" The entire place was eclipsed. "Now I will bring out my good friend. First I play Geartown. Then I activate mystical Space typhoon to destroy it. Come on out Ancient Gadjiltron Dragon. Now, destroy that Sphinx."



Back at the Moonbase there was a quarrel. 'Damn I feel stronger here than I have ever before' Ze'borova thought. 'It's because we're on the moon and your limit break increases your strength in darkness/moon and it increases your strength further based on the moon's pahases and well your on the moon,' Raikou thought back in response to Ze'borova's thought's.


"Now worries people, I will get us back. Sengestu Window!" the werewolf said. A black portal appeared and the wolf gestured for them to follow him.

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OoC: WAIT! where is Zonixs cuz i sent him to the moon he can't just appear on earth and summon a strong ass monster. EDIT cuz im not acknowledging that attack.


IC: "Aww, why so sad" Dylan said pulling out a card."Jutte fighter attack." A small warrior with glasses and a small sword ran toward Teren.


OoC: @spartan919 you have to defend yourself Jutte Fighter's effect says you have to be defensive. If you don't mind thats his effect.

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OoC: MR.WHAM Dylan sent everyone to the moon with guarddian sphinx you need to explain how you got back to earth. Im still not acknowledging you. Fight Saruto or something he's eager for battle.lol


IC: "Not really" he said throwing down another card. "Koa'ki Meiru Guardian!" The monster stood out in front of Teren but before he could attack Dylan called out something else. "Synchro Summon! Iron Chain Dragon." He said as a white card became real and a dragon flew out as Koa'ki Meiru and Jutte dissapeared. Two chains flew toward Teren and the dragon blew fire at him.

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OOC: Look at the post. When Raikou says sengetsu window's hes opening a portal back to earth and Zonixs was never at the moon to begin with he started off right there with dylan in the same place....Your confusing Ze'borova and Zonixs.


IC: Ze'borova looked up and saw Saruto coming through the portal. "Hey I hear you want to train and well I got these new abilities and my brain still hurts from understanding them all. But c'mon little bit. Let's fight!" Ze'borova smiled and Raikou stood waiting to get into the battle.

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OoC: this is my and Teren's fight stay out of it.


Kokoro sat down exasperated at being back on the moon. He couldn't risk going back to earth and fainting again but he was very interested in that new kid he saw on earth. "hey kid whats wrong?" A man with a nuclear looking suit on and fire for hair. "I am just confused about this whole dimension clash thing. My brain hurts all the time i think im understanding this more than most other people.

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Giselle was sick of waiting she had to react she called fort the powers of the water "time to reek some havoc" she would really turn the world upside down she needed the attention maybe this would attract black she was tired of sitting and waiting she was ready to fight but needed black to do so he would know where the jla was. she cast her arms up creating rain and hail in midsummer she traveled to dry land that with her power would into mud land and so deserts and tundras and the hold world was turned askew

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"What the hell?" Raikou asked as it started to rain. "Ze'borova, I'm going to investigate what's happening, don't Stay here past 2 minutes," werewolf said. "Sengestu Window!" The portal in to moon clossed and a new one reappeared. Raikou, steeped through the portal and reappeared in front of a girl.

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