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Dimension Clash {Basic} (PG-16) [Accepting(NEED PEOPLE),Started]

Reaper of Shadows

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"Right, we should prepare." Teren takes a stance, hands at his hips, feet spread apart. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" There is a blinding flash. As it fades away, Teren stands back up. His hair is now glowing yellow, and energy is flowing all around him. "Ready?" he asks, turning his now blue-eyed-gaze toward the Saruto.

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giselle summoned the water too her might as well too black hadnt come by in days and she was so bored she summoned huge waves they would create huge sunamies that she would unleash on the world humans where so foolish thinking nature created hazards so frequently they lived in fear as they should she pondered what black could need her for it was true she was beautiful so seduction could work corrupting men from the other side she was a great fighter and could take ten men at a time but with black help she would take on hundreds. "i wonder where he is"she whispered looking around her shabby little beach

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Spider-Man is still shocked at the total defeat he suffered at the hands of some kid. "C'mon spidey, now you got little 12 year olds pushing you around too. Time for some serious training," Spider-Man says as he sets off into the horizon sun.




Ze'borova looks at Teren and Saruto. "Hey you guys are to slow!" he calls out. He appears in front of the two, with a big smile on his face. "C'mon you two, we gotta make it there within this millenia."


OOC: I don't know which character I should bring in next, Cruchinex the ninja or Zonixs the duelist.

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"Wait who are you? you look like...me!," Yugi said shocked.

Saya got up quicklly, the Millenium Puzzle dangling from her neck, "Stupid Im.."

"What! The puzzle? and my Deck, Whats the meaning of this?"

"Well I went searching for you, I looked in your room I found the cards they shined ,....wait where are we!?" Saya says looking out the cave, seeing a great city like that of the futal era.

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Suddenly a collumn of dark energy appears infront of the three. And out steps Kokoro. "Sorry i needed rest." He says gesturing to himself. "I have a pocket dimension i can retreat to when i faint, thats what happened to my body and thats why you couldn't sense me." He sensed the three looking at his dark outfit that was similar to blacks and his darkness resonating Keyblade. "Oh, um this is my heartless form I acess it by a stored chackra i gained when the dimensions collided. Its kinda like going Shikai or Super Saiyan.... So where are we headed?"


OoC: great RPing Sakuya. I like how Yugi is in the soul society now, thats what the dimensional clash is all about +1 rep! (because remember he is the reason the Yugioh dimension clashed with the rest if you read the back story...)

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OOC: Well buddy which one should I do also, I think we should go take a visit too my favoritezz bad guy evarsss, besides Venom, BUU.


IC: Ze'borova looked at Kokuro. "Pocket dimension eh,? I need something like that." Suddenly, Ze'borova's blade pulsed and a pain rung throughout his body. A giant surge of energy flowed from out of him, sending fissures a throughout the planet. "AAAAAAAAHHH!!" he screamed as a stream of yellow and black light surrounded him.

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"AAAAHH!!!!!!" Ze'borova screamed. "I d-doon't know w-w-what's happening t-to me?" Ze'borova's eyse started changing colors from silver to red rapidly and his pupils were Black lightning bolts in Yellow moons. He looked up, energy, emanating from him. "Limit Break, Raikurai de Tsukiyomi!" (Lightning Bolt from the Moon Goddess)

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Two things happened. The first was what Ze'borova said. "Guys, I think I found out what replaced my Hollow mask. I have a limit break."

The second was the appearance of a black werewolf. "My name is Raikou. I am the spirit of Ze'borova's zanpaktou and I now have a body...and powers."

Ze'borova's blade cracked with lightning as he continued on forward. "Let's not waste time guys. I've got new powers and I'm eager to test them out."


OOC: This is what raikou looks like. http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs28/f/2008/048/c/5/Werewolf_by_JLoneWolf.jpg

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"Wow" Kokoro said flying beside Ze'borova. "Thats kinda cool" Suddenly the ground in front of them flew sharply upwards and a figure was standing on top of it. "You will go no further" the figure said throwing a card to the floor and saying the words. "I summon "Labrynth Wall". As walls flew up around the three warriors."


OoC: Heres my new character's app.

Affiliation: (Bleach, Naruto, etc):Avatar/Yugioh/Kingdom Hearts (originally)

Name:Dylan Kuriyami

Alliance: (Good, Evil, Neutral):Good


Appearance (pic or description): A short dark haired boy. With dark

brown eyes

Bio: (Origin of Abilities, etc): Dylan was raised with is family with Kokoro. When his world was taken over he was taken to the Earth Nation and met the avatar who told him how he could one day master elements but he should stick to one as aang did focusing on wind. He lived there for sometime before the dimensions collided and learned to earthbend. However he found a deck of yugioh cards and figured a way to summon them with his earthbending.


Fusion Abilities: (You can combine abilities from different affiliations :Can earthbend and summon yugioh cards (Mostly earth)


Weapons: [(if applicable), (kunai/shuriken, sword (Keyblade, Zanpaktou, etc), etc]:A deck of yugioh cards






Energy (Chakra, Reitsu, etc):85


Total (600/600):510

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"I'd like to see you try to hit me with that. Labrythn wall cannot be punctured you are going to have to get out yourselves" he said as a boulder raised towards Teren. Kokoro raised his blade and threw it crushing the boulder. "cmon guys" Kokoro said as his keyblade cameback. It turned transparent and he placed his hand on a wall walking through it. "Hold onto me we'll walk through these walls"

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