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Dimension Clash {Basic} (PG-16) [Accepting(NEED PEOPLE),Started]

Reaper of Shadows

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"Good. Giant trunade," he said as the cards disappeared and the girl could come in. "You can come in. But here let me make it final. MetalSilver Armor!" The girl was suddenly covered in a shiny armor. "Sorry for the hostility," Zonixs said,"But someone just broke in here not too long ago and we're trying to keep the place safe." Just then he got a telepathic message from the Martian Manhunter. 'Okay', he thought back in response.

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Ze'borova laughed as his eyes glowed. "And hopefully you won't die. Tsukinowa First half!" There was a sudden glow in Ze'borova's eyes but that's it. "Well let's go!" A lightning armor came on his body. "What do ya now, it's almost like my bankai, 'cept its missing the sword change and the rest of my armor. This will be fun." Ze'borova pulled out his sword and appeared in front of his opponent.

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"THe dragon fell to the ground but was not defeated." Dylan looked through his pocket and pulled out another Jutte Fighter. "Jutte Fighter TUNE!" he yelled. The small warrior ran to the dragon and began to synchro summon. There was a burst of light and a new dragon stood in it's place. "Stardust Dragon! Attack!" Dylan cried out with a laugh.

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