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Make Fun Of Peoples Names,Sigs,Avatars, etc.


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WTF what is that your avatar it some random emo kid a guess that reveals something about your self and look at your self your talking about queers talk about a hypocrite.


If your gonna insult someone' date=' at least make it CLEAR English.




I dunno.


It had red and black hair. Look like it was part of ORG XIII.




Your taste in mainstream bands makes me want to puke. [/elitistmoment]




Speznats ruined me D:


Kinda late there.


Anyway, you suck because ...... ummmm ..... your band of the moment is a band I've never heard of AND BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE MY BANDS! PAPA ROACH MAN! CMON!

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You know what i find most annoying about you is that you cant make up your mind you've gone threw three different avatars and 2 sigs in the last ten minuets.




No, it's a random generator.


Keep refreshing the page and everytime, it'll change to a picture of mine. Eventually, it'll be the same stuff over and over.

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