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Raynor's Raiders~ YCM's Starcraft Club


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As a fan of Starcraft I felt that I should create a club all about starcraft. All Starcraft fans are welcome. If you play battle.net you can post here asking for a match.


1. All YCM rules apply

2. Only Starcraft related topics are allowed (small side coversations are fine as long as they don't span more than 1.5 pages).




Favorite Starcraft Race:

Favorite Starcraft unit:

Battle.net Username: (optional)



1. TheCreator9464~ Leader

[spoiler=TheCreator9464;s App]Username: TheCreator9464

Fav Starcraft Race: Terran

Fav Starcraft unit: Marine


2. Spartan919~ member

[spoiler=Spartan919's App]Username:Spartan919

Favorite Starcraft Race: Protoss (only one I've been so far)

Favorite Starcraft unit: Protoss Scouts

*Note-last two areas may change as I continue playing.



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