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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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@ Kari:

Black Cat. Inuyasha. Kiddy Grade. Yu Yu Hakusho, Gunslinger Girl I could name quite a few animes...

@ Caine: Did you miss my Priority list for this organization. Take Over the World is on there.

@ Everyone:

Toss around ideas for a set for an anime you haven't already done, or updates for an existing set.

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You SOBs... I'm gone for a day and talk about shutting the club down has been started... no frikken way. Not now, when I did ALL that work on the fan fic



here it is, BTW, I have more done, but started out small.


Also... why're you all spamming about killing each other or just plain hating each other (coughzero and doku-chancough)


Oh well... anyway... CHECK OUT THE FANFIC!

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yes! finally some1 with some sense.


Also, check out the fanfic, I want to know if I caught yours and deus' personality.


Oh, and... why're ppl talking about a break? I mean, we could just as well have a break without shutting down the club...


Improtant: We forgot the soviet type and my own, hermit type

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very, very, beginning. Which is why it's epic. Cause all the ppl are joining. Right now, I'm at the part where creator and bagon join. (that's ch 2)

I can't wait for wehen we get our first POW.

Also, it's as accurate as I could possibly make it while at the same time keeping to the original FTK posts AND keeping it epic.

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Well, theres a recently-tossed-out RP buried somewhere you can use as a reference when you get to the Flame Dragon episode.



Who here wants to see more Loli cards. just 'cause the set is complete doesn't mean I can't make more. If you want a loli member card, I can easily make one. just post the order in my shop

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I like lolis, but I make them myself. Speakin of which, I may just PM creator a loli for his FK set.


Speakin of creator, he's leaving after the v5? No! Don't go! It'll be full of lunatics here if you go! (yes, I consider you all lunatics)


Also, Zero, Doku-chan has calmed down, so why don't you at least TRY to be cheery?

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