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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Hate to break it to ya, but he is right. That set does belong in AoC, Level 0 is impossible to use in a Duel. Even if a level 3 is treated as a level 0, it won't work. Level 0, 13 and above are unrealistic and belong in AoC. Synchro monsters are required to have 2 monsters that total the the level of the Summoned monster. For your cards to be realistic Synchros, they can't involve cards that belong only in AoC. Sorry pal.

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*See Cards* What a rip off of Independent...


Well He said he got the Idea from you. He gave you credit....Sorta



well he has to make a new card as well (What you thought it would be his old card!?)

I'll give him until Tuesday, then if he doesn't give me the card you will win by default (now stop asking irrevalent questions plz).

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hi guys


THIS IS SPAM! This is why you were banned to begin with. I don't know why we let you back in....



Well then wiki it. I'm pretty sure its not that complicated.



[well, you must read the first post, as it clearly states hat off topic posts are aloud if they dont take up half the page.

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hi guys


THIS IS SPAM! This is why you were banned to begin with. I don't know why we let you back in....



Well then wiki it. I'm pretty sure its not that complicated.



[well' date= you must read the first post, as it clearly states hat off topic posts are aloud if they dont take up half the page.



Your an idiot anything less than 8 words is not enugh to qualify.

Since you wana argu our point your warned.

Feal the rath of comunisum Muwahahaha!

And this isent even that bad wait till Deus throws you in the comunisum room!

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