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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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  'Spartan919 said:

To Dark Magician Girl' date=' I've seen them before and they are awesome.




r accepted and I wish somebody would join my code geass rp I didn't spend half an hour typing for nobody to look at It


Do you have to know about Code Geass?


That'd help you know whats going on.


I recently finished the set so there are probably a few cards you haven't yet seen.

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Ok let me just explain what code geass is based on knightmares are mechs geass is something that means "the kings command" each geass has a unique power that somehow involves commanding something lelouche the main character has the geass of ultimate obedience he can tell anyone what to do if he has eye contact but watch it on youranimenow it would really help you understand

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[spoiler=Yaaays I'm BACK!]

  'Chase1600 said:

Link what I'm saying is serious (and how would that mock me at all that's a 5 year olds insult so it's immature I can reverse any dis so hah) and I don't think it's as a sign of affection (nowhere close)

and finally no o have never seen that I'm not an anime freak (only anime that I was obsessed over was code geass but it's just that good

*Five year olds insult* BAKA!!!!



Well here is the team I want for the contest (open to change until the 21st or until DMG approves)

1. DMG

2. Deustodo

3. Me

4. Darklink

5. Kailyn

Good for them





Caine Has Returned


Well for a short time that is' date=' I will probably be leaving for the Navy soon...


>:3 *Glomps* CAIN-KUN!!!!!!!!


  'Darklink401 said:

So... yeah... it's official. Everything FUN happens when I'm not here... Kailyn won' date=' we discussed ways how to kill flame dragon for being a bad mod (I admit, I don't know many, but in my opinion, the mod system is fail, then again, without 1, this site would be a spam spree 2 times worse than the FTK at the prime of its spam.)


1. Congratz Kailyn for beating such a high-level opponent (not lvl as in stars)

2. Remo makes an interesting point. Why Fake Kingdom instead of The Fake Kingdom.

3. Should I start a Fire Emblem club?

4. Any1 want to 1v1?


Q_Q Realy hes gone! finaly gone! Yaaaays!...Eh its not that big of a deal.


  'Darklink401 said:

I foud something interesting and surprising. Who would have guessed chase was the number 1 poster in the FK? And me the second?


Chase1600 175

Darklink401 137

Dark_Magician_Girl_=3 122

TheCreator9464 119

Dokuro-chan 100

bagon46 83

KurashiDragon 65

Caine Ghest 64

♥ RåŝρӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥ 63

Kailyn Kyosuke 55

Shogun Chicken 39

Deustodo 35

el make 34

Cephus 22

jamesjr111 15

yugiohjosh2 14

MasterRemo 11

omgpked4 9

Blue Ninja 8

AgentX 7

Atman 6

Pikachu 4

FallenFeather 4

Lupus Magnus Divinus 3

Bakudude 3

Gefhx 2

Mr Wolf 2

Lazaruz 1


Punisheris 1

zaneko 1



About the FE club: Yeah' date=' maybe not...


Wow I've been gone too and I'm still at 3rd place XP.


I'm glad to be back! My family from my dads side are hunters 'n stuf my dad killed a Bambi Dear T_T, Two Bucks one of wich my brother in law shot o_o, but no Does.

>.> I learned how to use a 44. >:P

Sry I missed your Birthday.


Also on more ofical matters did any one warn Chase and Kail For that arughment they had?

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Jeez... tht was sudden... I suddenly have to make 8 cards for the contest... and I'm not in a comp that can save pics... must fogure out a way... I'll have them done by the end of today or tommorow, creator.

Also, Yay! Doku-chan is back!

Wait, it was Deus' Bday?

Why does Jazin Kay neg ppl for makin lolis? First me, then DMG. Some1 should report him. I'm into lolis cause I'm trying to learn how to draw better eyes (I'm already good, but can always improve) and it just so happens lolis have big expressive eyes.

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