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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Simple' date=' just make any card, as long a it fits the following:

1. Fake Types are allowed.

2. Must be Level 8 or below

3. No Divines

4. Must be Synchro, Fusion, or Ritual Monster

5. Support Spells and Support Traps are uneeded.


There. I'll work on a card... Hmmm...


EDIT: 1on1 has begun!




What do you have against Divines? Also, somebody says something about how to kill a mod, easy, there is also the shoop da woop, or if that fails, you can ask him politly to kil him/herself.


Nothing against Divines...

I like Divines, I don't make them.


I don't make them as they are Forbidden Cards. Unless you use the "Banlist Deck".


Now I should make Divines... Hmmm... Grrr... Curse you Realistic Card Rules...


AoC it is.

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So... yeah... it's official. Everything FUN happens when I'm not here... Kailyn won, we discussed ways how to kill flame dragon for being a bad mod (I admit, I don't know many, but in my opinion, the mod system is fail, then again, without 1, this site would be a spam spree 2 times worse than the FTK at the prime of its spam.)


1. Congratz Kailyn for beating such a high-level opponent (not lvl as in stars)

2. Remo makes an interesting point. Why Fake Kingdom instead of The Fake Kingdom.

3. Should I start a Fire Emblem club?

4. Any1 want to 1v1?

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I foud something interesting and surprising. Who would have guessed chase was the number 1 poster in the FK? And me the second?


Chase1600 175

Darklink401 137

Dark_Magician_Girl_=3 122

TheCreator9464 119

Dokuro-chan 100

bagon46 83

KurashiDragon 65

Caine Ghest 64

♥ RåŝρӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥ 63

Kailyn Kyosuke 55

Shogun Chicken 39

Deustodo 35

el make 34

Cephus 22

jamesjr111 15

yugiohjosh2 14

MasterRemo 11

omgpked4 9

Blue Ninja 8

AgentX 7

Atman 6

Pikachu 4

FallenFeather 4

Lupus Magnus Divinus 3

Bakudude 3

Gefhx 2

Mr Wolf 2

Lazaruz 1


Punisheris 1

zaneko 1



About the FE club: Yeah, maybe not...

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