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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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  'Deustodo said:

Closing it wouldn't stop Chase' date=' Kari, Aqua and Kaylin to post here. So this would need to be locked.[b'] And since you don't take Kari's unstable emotional System. [/b]Let just don't give her the power. or powah.


I don't get this part...


Anyway, we could ask a mod to lock it.


it would be completely legal, as we have complete power when DMG's not here.

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Ya know what funk you deus! I'm tired of you being a prick!


Your saying I'm the one with an Unstable Emotional system!?


You should look in the mirrior! Says the kid that said he loved me , and now feals he has to have me hate him to feal good about himself, Well there you have it, are you happy!? I Have absolutely no respect or kindness I can continue waist on your pathetic EXISTANCE!

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  'Megami Seika said:

Ya know what f*ck you deus! I'm tired of you being a prick!


Your saying I'm the one with an Unstable Emotional system!?


You should look in the mirrior! Says the kid that said he loved me ' date=' and now feals he has to have me hate him to feal good about himself, Well there you have it, [b']are you happy!?[/b] I Have absolutely no respect or kindness I can continue waist on your pathetic EXISTANCE!

Yes, Indeed I'm, also, you wrote "existence" wrong. And thanks to you, I learned a new word, prick.

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Ha creator, I'm the older 10x more kickass version of your avatar (my avatar is the 10 year older version of his avatar)

@DMG well that didn't take very long for you to come back. Now, being the decent person I am, I will be one of the people who does not infer to you about the reasons for such previous events. I also agree with that statement. Deus does not really piss people off anymore (at least not me) yet it gets annoying.

@Mr. Wham that was spam (lol rhyme)

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  'Le Créateur said:


*grabs banhammer*

I'll bite you to death' date=' Shi Shi Shi



yeah but without my Avatar, you don't have an avatar. Shi Shi Shi


You laugh like that. but my laugh sounds so much cooler. Foolish one not caught up to the series who mixes catchphrases, In a parralel world, young Bel never showed up in the story, but you wouldn't understand until you caught up.

WHAM, you have been warned. we plan to get stuck one day and your spam won't help

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