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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this monster, you can equip this card to 1 "Fake Queen: Dark Magician Girl -3" as an Equip Spell Card, OR, you can unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this cord on your side of the field. A monster equipped with this card gains 1000 ATK and DEF. If a Field Spell Card with "Castle" is on the field, the monster equipped with this card cannot be selected as an attack target, and can attack directly. (1 monster can be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the monster equipped with this card is destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.)[/align]


I figured since there were no animals in the vicinity, I should make one.


I just noticed my effect shares a relationship with DMG's.

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Well since everyone else is posting new cards, I guess I will too.


[spoiler=lore]This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 "Fake Knight Vanilla General: TheCreator's Bane" and 1 "FTA Founder TheCreator9464". When "Fake Queen: Dark Magician Girl =3" is face-up on the field, this card cannont be Targeted by Spell cards. While "Castle An Bhanrion" is on the field, this card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 Inventor-Type monster from your hand.


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[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be normal summoned or set, this card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Castle An Bhanrion" This card cannot be destroyed. (Damage Calculation applied normally) Inflict 700 damage to your opponents life points during you standby phase for every monster on their side of the Field. If this card inflicts damage to your opponent's life points draw 1 card.




The Improved Version of the LTW Of The FTK...

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Why does EVERYTHING happen while I'm gone?


First of all, I have a feeling the 5v5 is gonan be tough. I just have a feeling. WHen i have feelings, bad things happen, but I'll just brush that though aside for now.


Also, I'ma make a new card too!


Double Also, y are we allowing josh back in? For the love of god... (jk)

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Have you seen the matchups? I'm worried. I have a right to be. I'm sure Deus will do very well, I'm not worried about him, and DMG is going off against wolfy (plz tell me the matchups weren't random) so she's okay there. But kailyn is going off agains pikachu. (if I'm right)


Well, nothing I can do but prepare to sub if ur gone before then. Who's ur opponent again?

Wait... that 6-star guy? *Gulp*

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