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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Why don't you, Zeroin?


You always ask someone else to make a topic.


Are you insecure about the topics you create?


Or are you simply ignorant of the fact you, too, can make a topic?


Or is it simply the fact that you are uncaring about this club getting ahead, and leave that job for other people?




IDK, I was bored.


Anyway, topic:





EDIT: The plan will go along as planned, don't you worry, Mika-san.

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Mika-san? I like that.

Aliens do not taste like Chicken, Deus. Although, I imagine everything tastes like chicken to someone made out of a material that eliminates Taste buds. Speaking of, remember those cookies You caused me to eat. *hand turns black and into something neither solid, liquid, nor gas. Pokes Deus* I learned how to touch you.





Am I right, Deus?

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And you can try not have a boner watching a lolicon such as any character of "Lucky Star" taking a bath. Also, in the 100 chapter filler, you forgot the weirdest couple ever. PM me if you wanna know.

First of all' date=' Zero, you spelled my name wrong, *Slap in your face*, second of all, I don't have nothing better to do, *Slap your face again*, and Chase, about your "Book"... [b']tl; dr.[/b]

what the hell does that mean

well lets see if your plan ever happens Link

Tl; Dr = Too long; Didn't read.

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Yes, Deus, turns out that because of those cookies you indirectly force-fed me, I ingested madness, and now I can control it. I just can't turn my entire body into madness matter...But, I can turn up to half of my body into madness. *turns hand into madness matter and jabs Deus in the forehead really hard.*

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And with this new power of mine. I can control your little madness, and I can make you do anything with the power of my mind. Allow me to demonstrate. *Control your hand to get inside of your pants*. Now guess, what am I going to do now? *Mad smile*. Congratulations, DMG, you made me smile.

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