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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Heh.... well more power to you. I'm a little surprised that nobody else want to get in on this. Then again mabye people have lives. (Don't take me into account I have no life.)


A topic you say. Well its nothing serious but I've been experimenting with my ocg a little I need more opinions.



This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 2 FIRE monsters on your side of the field and 1 card in your hand from play. Once per turn during your Main Phase 1, you can send 1 Spell Card from your hand to the Graveyard and Special Summon 1 FIRE monster from your Graveyard. That monster loses 500 ATK and DEF and cannot attack this turn. If this monster is sent from the field to the Graveyard by a card effect, place this monster in your hand during your next Draw Phase instead of drawing.


People tell me that I still have problems with ocg but I have an untrained eye when it comes to this kinda deal so I want more second opinions for future card making.


P.S: My first card. LOVE!


P.S.S: I need to post in the RC more often. It'll make me seem less suspisious when I'm trying to transfer viruses to all your systems.


P.S.S.S: I should've posted this two of my posts ago. I'M 1337!

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Yes I do have a life, also this club bores me.

That is why I'm going nuetral for the 3v3.


Oh By the way what is the overall prize for the 3v3? I need to know since I'm hosting it.

Some members of the FTR think it sould be the closing of the losing side's thread.

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So they're looking for a permanent death? well...I may not have the authority to declare anything, but id say that the risk is too great for either side. Moreso their side than ours, but on the other hand, we are already lacking in strength. The 3 selected are still not quite as tough as the ones who left, and those who did leave kinda did so while also leaving total chaos. Im not even sure who's supposed to be making these calls since DMG isnt on.

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I personally don't think that we should do that. It's way to expensive for either side. Not only that but sense its obvious that the threads can just be remade there'd be no point in the first place other than purging the threads of members who don't post. Cant we just put something on the title that says we won or we lost?

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Actually, that's not true. Right now, were pretty much at a stalemate but if one club is gone then the other can "Expand". It's like in war where there's two opposing forces. Battles determine the overall outcome. So if one opposition lets up then the opponent can take some of their field. "Capture the flag" if you will. (I can't believe I'm using a war reference for this. I'm way to into it.)


If one of us dies out for enough time then more nutreals (Misspelling) will go to the other side. Nutreals (Misspelling) are pretty much the land of our game. While we're trying to get people to understand and accept good fake types while FTR is trying to get people to understand that all fake types are bad.


All this is pretty much to say that if we're down then the FTR can expand itself to more people and eventually it'll turn into fake types good and bad being banned. (I really am to into this when I wanna be.)

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in that case, if we were to win then that would mean territorial expansion for us. however, i say that we leave that until we have enough card makers to give us a chance at winning a 7v7, and have that as the prize for winning the most contests. as for this one, i say we up the ante and make it 3 +reps to the winning side of each part of the contest.

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well if we lose

we have the back up thread

and technically it wont be against the rules since its an entirely different club

so its a win-win situation

we win they get closed

we lose we just go to the back uyp thread and laugh when they are like WTF we just got screwed

I know Deus would like this plan since it involves pissing people off

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I did

just stating my point of view

it's the most pacifistic way to go about this and that is fine with me

*crucifies NPG*

shut up voice in my head that sounds like dark link

damn why can't I shut them up. Although traveling to my subconsciene to talk with them is a good way to zone out in class

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*tsks at lack of tact where chase and religion are concerned*

anyway, i saw that kailyn, and i responded with the FTR's terms being put in place only for a 7v7, and there being 3 +reps to each member who wins their separate parts of the 3v3 from each member of the losing side that they would have faced.

i also would like to add that each member of the winning side of the entire 3v3 would get 1 +rep from each member of the losing side of the 3v3.

so basically here is how it would go.


win = 3 + 1 + 1 + 1

win = 3 + 1 + 1 + 1

loss = 3


that's basically how it would look.

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