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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I'm good with GIMP too...

An all in all Alfred could be better than me in some areas while I am suprior in others (*murmurs* DARK Dragon types...)


You really should do some studying before making sweeping statements like that.


And I DO come on every other day or so, I've just been inactive recently due to the fact that I'm moving house.

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I have awakened from the dead. (In all truth I come on everyday. It's just that I usually have nothing to say. Can't think of anything)


We should have a club contest. Not just the 3 on 3.


P.S: Darklink, its been said before but I just can't help it. I love that scene in your sig. Whomever found that should be very proud.

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