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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I am saying your vanilla menber cards are less creative than remaking Dark MAgician again.


If they are effects it's different.


Then they are just as uncreative.


Thier's nothing wrong with that except Mr. Kettle is not allowed to call the pot black.


So stop.

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And here I go with a little thing about fan-fic. Gir helped me with that.

[spoiler=Me and Fan-Fic]

I have noticed that in aligator's Fan-Fic about us, I'm little showed, but I can see why, well, I'm a invencible being, the guy who piss everyone off and the most wanted to have the face beated. But let suppost that someone, put me in a Fan-Fic of his/her/it. Ok, that would be nice, but the thing is, if that person put me as a bad guy or a good guy, it would be totally bullshit, since we all know how that was going to end (Bad or Good Side = win). So the only way to put me in a fan-fic and work well, is to make me in the middle of both, helping as much as the bad guys as the good ones, but not involving too directly in the story's events. At this point you should be thinking:

"Ok... WTF is this guy talking about, because I cleary don't care."

Well, I just wanted to post something big and that make sense instead of my typical random post about cakes and aligators.


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1. last time that happened I had to leave the state.

2. stop being gangsta before I go Bruce Lee on your butt.

3. Have this slice of Poison Cokking pie. Bianchi made it just for you.

...Welcome to the group of people who know about the most epic series ever

Iactually have the shonen jump from when I was a little kid that had the intro to KHR before it had started

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You're that far already' date=' Cree-bozu?




Now, forthwith, thou must reach the finality of the serialized animation, so that thou can begin to comprehend the AWESOMENESS THAT IS REBORN MANGA!



umm my attempt to make sense of this is

He has to get to the future arc to understand how epic KHR is

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it was cancelled, since the thread creator made failed.


But I think we can do it again, right?


SInce we got everybody back.


I'll probably be on the sidelines, seeing as I'm in both clubs.


Or maybe I'll side with the FTR on this one, for the sake of fairness.


Seeing as we won last time.

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