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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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My head has been spinning from the past few posts. Then again, some people are just hard to understand, and comprehend. But I cannot see straight. Maybe my sense of direction is messed up? Rights and lefts were not my forte. And then this annoying keyboard decides to neglect 25% of the letters I type. I try to tell myself that it's not the keyboard, and it's just my sloppy typing, but no matter how hard I try, I end up with the same result.


Me and my problems.


On a second note, is it possible to equip a Spell Card with a Union Monster Card?

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What is happening with the threads then? Are we using this one or the new one?


I heard Pichu's challenging you to a 1on 1 if he wins you quit the FTK if you win he quits the FTR.


I don't think he'll carry through with it myself. I don't trust him, but I'll do it, I suppose.

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Well I'm back from my friends house, I haven't taken a shower sense I left, and I'm still wearing the same clothes. Oh and lets put that together with the fact that I just helped my sister move a tv two flights of stairs, as well as a dresser one flight. Oh well at least I'm back.


On-topic: Yea I wouldn't trust someone to keep their word on a computer either. Did Deus even accept the challenge?


P.S: DMG got a name change. Is that another language for Dark Magician Girl and if so which one?

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