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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Sure, if I need help I'll ask. For now, I was also thinking about flipping a card vertically for no real reason. It looks awesome, though.


@yugiohjosh - ur still kinda crappy as a member. You musta done something to get banned from the club.

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Well you can try all you want, but I really have no power over decision like this. SO wait for some1 with power, like PM them. Then tell them soemthing like, if you spam, u can be banned for life or something, Also, I got my first X-ray up and running, thanks to tinypic.


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Why have 4 ppl gotten avatar changes? So sudden... well' date=' I guess I'm a sub after all. WOOT! so... I'm thinkin of makin the X-ray subtype. THX Bagon! (for teaching me that paint had an inverse thing)



I did it because I like this avatar. It's a real fun Avatar.


Scientist Of Sorrows effect makes it so trap cards cannot be set from your opponent. Yay weakened versions of jinzo.

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