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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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lol hey, no need to be a kissass aqua. xD that likely won't help you anyway. lol


as to 1v1s, i am still waiting for things to progress in the Agni Kai. Deus and proto have yet to elaborate on their posts, so until they do their votes do not count, since their posts are currently not in accordance with the rules set forth for voting in the 1v1.

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I thought my 3-line poem explained it quite well.


I basically reset anything that happened between me and Megami Seika.


And now I feel... not really happy, more like


glad. Fulfilled, even.


And I'm listening to Scars, and it represents me alot.

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No there is any new type, the newest news is that, well, Zero is going all 'american' with his rules for voting in his 1 on 1 with Creator, because I would have to make a text to be able to vote. Let's see, I'm also in a 1 on 1 with Creator, but it is not ended yet. here is the link for it. And is pretty much it about informations, Bagon.

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