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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I don't know we get in this 1 on 1 Topic, actually I do but whatever, I think we should swith the topic for a little, lets see...




This card can only be Summoned when you control 1 or more "Johnny". Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 2500 if you have 10 or more cards in your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by battle when its ATK and DEF are 0 (Damage Calculation is not applied).


Rate it, Correct it and CnC.

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This card can only be Summoned when you control 1 or more "Johnny". Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 2500 if you have 10 or more cards in your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by battle when its ATK and DEF are 0 (Damage Calculation is not applied).

removed the ' in it's and fixed spelling for damage. Good card.

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The color is the color of a token card. Just saying

@Chase's post 3 pages back

Your disbelief of dragons is folly. If Dragons don't exist then why do vampires? Palentologist have found bones that they even said that they belief it could be dragon remains.

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what reps? I honestly don't know what your talking about.

And even if magic doesn't Dragons do. Although I fail to see how there is one without the other.


I did the first match is Gefhx vs majortim.

Pikachu makes the rules.

the 1v1 you lost

thats what

Maybe Creator erase the 1 on 1 from his memorie so he didn't need to give you rep for it, Chase Bell.

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Creator: I would say that dragons were real at one point during the dinos. (I'm being realistic here.) They were probably a sub form of the dino. Wings of a Pterodactyl (I looked this word up on google cause I didn't know how to spell it.... turns out I did. An lol moment) body of a T-rex or a Velociraptor (I looked this word up to. I really don't know how to spell it lol) It probably was a little smarter and mabye MABYE (cause I saw a documentary on tv on how you could've breathed fire) it could breath fire. But They were most likely like Panda's in that they had low reproductive periods so their probably weren't to many of them.


I'm being all sciency. My BF (Best not boy. Get your head out of the gutter you Yaoi bastards) loves laughing at that inside joke.


Are the 5 on 5 matches up yet? I'm starting to wish I could've competed in one. Oh well I kinda suck when it comes to 1 on 1's.


P.S: I know it was a couple pages ago but BRING IN THE PARTY WE GOT 9000!!!!!

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Lol. i Still have 2 spots open to 1v1 if you want to face me. And you consider me good? i consider me Awshum! :lol:

aaahh' date=' modesty. >_<

Your disbelief of dragons is folly. If Dragons don't exist then why do vampires? Palentologist have found bones that they even said that they belief it could be dragon remains.

dragons and vampires actually did exist at one point, some many years ago. as of today though, i do not know if they are currently still living.

And even if magic doesn't Dragons do. Although I fail to see how there is one without the other.

dragons are some type of creatures of magic i think' date=' so it would be pretty hard to have one without the other.

Screw the dragons and magic, I have the powah. Now stop arguing about nonsense, even if the nonsense make sense.

don't make me gang up on you with creator and have you burnt to a crisp. xD


Or what? and Dragons aren't nonsense' date=' they happen to be very powerful and very intelligent creatures.


This dragon approves the creators statement.

My BF (Best not boy. Get your head out of the gutter you Yaoi bastards) loves laughing at that inside joke.

oh come on, we know you love it too. ;)

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thank you

@Deus Maybe you need to pull your head outta the @ss you don't have

the not "my" which shows that you have your head in someone elses ass

probably creators

Hmmm.... no' date=' sorry, my face is not in there. Nevermind, I keep losting it, but in the end, I always find my head.


Screw the dragons and magic' date=' I have the powah. Now stop arguing about nonsense, even if the nonsense make sense.


don't make me gang up on you with creator and have you burnt to a crisp. xD

Do it. Now.

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