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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Can't make cards on Ipod... I'll try again later then.

did you pwn that noob Ryan gefhx?

Perfect Win. But on my new contest the guy that challenged me is Comingnotsoon123, he has 64 reps from contests and he is a level 2 member that joined only a few months ago O_o. So Post your card before him i don't want to have a large chance of losing XD

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Now i have to ask...were at any point...your votes biased? I need to know...that i won on my own strength' date=' and not just cuz someone liked me as a friend.


Well my vote was not biased your card was all around better.


Well anyways i made this card for the heck of it and yes i know its Op'd so C&C it/ Rate it knowing that i purposely made it Op'd:




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 4 FIRE, WATER, WIND, or EARTH monsters. This card is also treated as a FIRE, WATER, EARTH, WIND, Beast-Type Pyro-Type, Aqua-Type, Plant-Type, Rock-Type, Psychic-Type, Thunder-Type, Fiend, Warrior-Type, and Spellcaster-Type monster. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all WATER, EARTH, FIRE, or WIND monsters gain 50 ATK and DEF for every star they have, except for this card. Decrease this card's ATK by 100 for every DARK monster face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. Once per turn by tributing 1 FIRE, WATER, EARTH, or WIND monster activate 1 of the following effects: FIRE: Destroy up to 2 monster Cards on your opponents side of the field. WATER: Destroy up to 2 Spell Cards on your opponents side of the field. EARTH: Destroy up to 2 Trap Cards on your opponents side of the field. WIND: Both players discard there hand and draw 3 cards.


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I commented on that on RC.


Comment on my really odd Level Series.


Only 1 card (I made the other 10)...



This monster cannot be Normal summoned or Set. It can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 face-up "Indifferent Lv 1" on your side of the field. When this monster is attacked by a non-Tuner monster, Equip that monster to this card. This monster gains the Level of the equipped monster. During your End Phase, you may Tribute this monster to Special Summon 1 "Indifferent Lv 3" from your Deck or Hand.

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@Gefxh - too fruity


@Kailyn - no, I was not biased. Since both you and zero are friends of mine here, I can't BE biased... -.-


@Chase - You're allegic to cats?


@Kari - You spam. ALOT... and it's mostly RPing... take the glomping others to PM >.<


Seriously, it seems 1 of our warden spams, one is hardly on (not counting yesterday), one stopped showing up, and the ex-warden also spams...


Oh, and it seems DMG is back. sweet...

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